270 win and elk?/


Jun 28, 2012
in the mountains of CO
I tried to search this but didnt come up with anything. Im looking at getting a rifle for my son. I want something thats pretty versatile. We are heading to co soon. I know hes going to want to hunt elk, deer and what ever else he can find. He handles my 300wsm well but i dont feel its what he should be using. What are your thoughts on a 270 and bigger game like elk? Thanks for any info.
If he handles you're 300wsm without flinching I would go that route as it will cover the bases more and be more versatile with bullet selection alone... Having said that, the 270win is a fine cartridge without the extra boom and muzzle blast and has killed many elk..

BTw, welcome to Rokslide !
So far I'm three for three on knocking down elk with a 150gr out of a 270. I got a 300 win that is still a virgin, Everytime I take it out I just don't get a shot. I almost think the darn thing has a curse.
I don't know if anyone can count the number of deer, elk, sheep and goats Jack O'Connor put down with a .270 Winchester using 140 gr. bullets.
Oldest has a .270 and kills everything great with 140 accubonds ~2900fps. Middle son shoots .280 with 140 accubonds ~ 2900. Almost identical. .280 gives more options, but is avail in less standard chamberings. I would recommend it if it is avail. Easy to ream into .280 ack when he get's bigger if you reload(nosler does offer factory load), and this round is real close to 7mm Mag and can throw 160 accubonds ~2900 pretty easy. For my youngest, he shot my 25-06 and will get a 7mm or 300 mag when he is closer to 18 and grown up.

So there are lot's of options on how to proceed, but I do HIGHLY recommend you have a gun he shoots comfortable for thos practice sessions where adrenaline is low and the feels that kick. My oldest got a flinch at 13 and it took almost 2 years to get rid of.
The 270 will work great for elk with a quality bullet.

My favorite youth cartridge though, is the 7mm-08.

I agree that a 7mm-08 is a great round for youth. But i would like something with a little more power. My son is 12, 5'7" 135 lbs. I feel he would be able to handle a larger caliber rifle. But i dont want something that he'll be afraid of when target shooting.
My brother has been shooting elk with a .270 for 14 years and we have never had one go more than 100 yards. A good bullet and shot placement puts them down every time. I shoot a .300 wm but am buying the old lady a .270. This will be her first season hunting and she loves my brothers .270.
Hit them where they breath and this caliber will do the job very well. The variance with the .300 will be on a marginal shot &or where shot selection may not have to be as particular with the increased knock down power the larger caliber provides.
I killed my first bull when I was twelve with a 270 and peep sites. Ragy bull that came in on a string after my dad blew a cow call. 140 grain nosler partition straight on through the chest put him down right there. That was at 40 yards and he was still coming. All the young elk hunters in my family have been started on the 270 win for years, it will serve him well.
My first 20 years I hunted with nothing but a 270. As was mentioned above shoot a quality bullet when hunting elk, years ago I hunted with a Trophy Bonded, but there are so many great choices today. With that .270 I shot a grizzly, black bear, several elk, 5 sheep, 3 moose, mountain goat, several antelope, and numerous deer. I gave my son's 270s as their first big game rifle. It would be a great choice for your son, and will help him learn to shoot well and not learn bad habits due to recoil. I have been hunting with a 300 WSM for the last 8 years, but I still believe the 270 is a great choice.
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I've killed a lot of elk with a 270, mostly with 130 partitions, mostly lung hits, 10 between 320-520 yds. He will never need anything more.