So a year ago I won a Gunbroker auction on a Tikka stainless 270 WSM that came with a decent scope and almost 400 rounds of ammo with over 300 of them nib factory loads. The value of the glass and the ammo made the rifle damn near free. As we were visiting when I got the rifle, he mentioned he had a 257 Roberts Improved for sale too. I said I would think about it as I was heading to go tuna fishing and was on a short timeline. I texted him a half hour after I left and asked him what he wanted for it. He said there was the rifle, an old scope, dies, some brass, some hand loads, and some factory loads for $600. I figure why not and became the owner of a Remington 722 in 257 Roberts that had the chamber improved.
The photos he sent me...

Got the gun home and tried to shoot it. The rounds wouldn't chamber a round easily and it tore the rims up when it did chamber a round. Fired it at a target and the hand loads grouped well but the scope it had (a Burris compact 3x9 from the early 80's) wouldn't adjust left to right just up and down. I didn't feel like messing with it as hunting season was upon us and I had other guns that didn't need work so I put it in the back of the safe. I did some research and Remington 721 and 722 bolts use a c-clip style extractor (that is non existent if you want a new one) and it is common for them to fail or get bent and become unusable. My research lead me to finding the best way to fix it was to send the bolt to LRI and have an M-16 extractor installed. I kind of forgot about the rifle and its needs until last month. Ordered the bolt upgrade on the LRI website at the end of August and shipped it off to be upgraded. Between me shipping it to them and LRI sending it back, the bolt was only gone from me for 2 weeks! Excellent turn around time.
I tried the repaired bolt out on a piece of new unprimed brass and chamber nicely and extracted easy. That made me look around for a scope for it and take it to the range. I got it sighted in and decided to see if the handloads the previous owner (the father of the man I bought it from) had made with 87g NBT would shoot well at distance. I guessed 3200 fps for a velocity and hit a rock at 467 yards. Not bad for a 1950's rifle and some unknown reloads.
This has gotten me kind of excited about the 257 Roberts Improved. The 722 is a pretty gun and not something I want to drag around the western woods with me plus it has a slower twist that really can't take advantage of the new heavy bullets. I do have a Savage in 243 that I really don't shoot but wouldn't mind making into either a fast twist 257 Roberts Improved or a 25CM.
Has anyone built a fast twist 257 Roberts or Roberts Improved? I know the 25CM has the advantage of better and more abundant brass but what can it do that the Roberts Improved can not do?
The photos he sent me...

Got the gun home and tried to shoot it. The rounds wouldn't chamber a round easily and it tore the rims up when it did chamber a round. Fired it at a target and the hand loads grouped well but the scope it had (a Burris compact 3x9 from the early 80's) wouldn't adjust left to right just up and down. I didn't feel like messing with it as hunting season was upon us and I had other guns that didn't need work so I put it in the back of the safe. I did some research and Remington 721 and 722 bolts use a c-clip style extractor (that is non existent if you want a new one) and it is common for them to fail or get bent and become unusable. My research lead me to finding the best way to fix it was to send the bolt to LRI and have an M-16 extractor installed. I kind of forgot about the rifle and its needs until last month. Ordered the bolt upgrade on the LRI website at the end of August and shipped it off to be upgraded. Between me shipping it to them and LRI sending it back, the bolt was only gone from me for 2 weeks! Excellent turn around time.
I tried the repaired bolt out on a piece of new unprimed brass and chamber nicely and extracted easy. That made me look around for a scope for it and take it to the range. I got it sighted in and decided to see if the handloads the previous owner (the father of the man I bought it from) had made with 87g NBT would shoot well at distance. I guessed 3200 fps for a velocity and hit a rock at 467 yards. Not bad for a 1950's rifle and some unknown reloads.
This has gotten me kind of excited about the 257 Roberts Improved. The 722 is a pretty gun and not something I want to drag around the western woods with me plus it has a slower twist that really can't take advantage of the new heavy bullets. I do have a Savage in 243 that I really don't shoot but wouldn't mind making into either a fast twist 257 Roberts Improved or a 25CM.
Has anyone built a fast twist 257 Roberts or Roberts Improved? I know the 25CM has the advantage of better and more abundant brass but what can it do that the Roberts Improved can not do?