I have no experience with reloading, but all of my boys have killed multiple deer with 95gr SSTs. No tracking jobs as they just drop. These are decent size Missouri deer. I wasn’t sure how it would do when I bought it for them, but it will lay them flat.
I might get a 7-08 yet. The issue I have is ammo and brass. Can't find much of either down here (FL) but can get tons of 6.5 CM, which is a similar round but a little slower I think.I load lots of 139 SST bullets for the 7-08. They really shoot nice groups. The reason I chose them was I wanted to have the option of a bonded bullet that would shoot the same POI. So the Hornady bonded in 139 is just that. Almost the same hole. Bet it would be exactly the same in the 243. I am really interested in the 243 but simply do not trust it for more than deer sized game, that is why I previously mentioned the TMK. It might be that ticket For elk sized critters.