.223 rem vs .223 AI


Jan 24, 2023
Looking into switching into a fast twist barrel on my cz 527 american. Curious if this rifle would be a good candidate for say a 22” 223 AI as far as potential feeding issues go? Or is it better to just stay .223 rem? I do plan on shooting 70 to 77 grain bullets.


Nov 22, 2020
I'm not familiar enough with the 527's action to give you any input on that.

I will say I'm a big fan of the .223 AI but only with the following conditions:

1. Center feed mag box - after having ADL, BDL, center feed Wyatts, and M5, I'd never do anything but a center feed box again with the .223AI, preferably flush fit detachable.

2. Mag box has enough OAL for loading long - same for regular .223 for me

3. Twisted fast - in the past I've focused on 1/8, now it would be 1/7 - though I think 75-80 grain bullets are still the sweet spot

The extra speed has never been the draw of the .223AI for me. The reduced trimming is. If any of the above don't or can't match up with the 527 I wouldn't AI it.


Aug 17, 2017
The CZ mags are essentially single stack center feed and I don't think feeding a 223AI from those mags would present much of a problem. With the AI version being squared off and little to no case taper, maybe, the feed lips would need to be slightly opened up but that'd be a relatively easy job.

I think the biggest concern would be like JCMCUBIC mentioned and that would be the CZ 527 mag only allows for around a max OAL of 2.30 and with the long heavy for caliber bullets you'll have to be seating them a fair bit deeper which will likely negate any performance gain by "improving" the 223 case.

Since CZ stopped producing the 527 model a few years ago prices for them have gone through the roof so unless you're just really attached to this particular rifle I'd consider selling it and putting the money toward a something better suited for the project you want. My 223AI is built on a Rem 700 using a 22in Hart 9tw barrel and it's setup with a HS Precision det. mag system. I shoot the 53gr Vmax and they not only shoot awesome in my gun but they are death to coyotes.

With new cartridges like Hornady's 22ARC coming out I honestly don't think I'd ever build a 223AI again. Don't get me wrong I like my 223AI a lot and it shoots crazy good but that new 22 ARC has a little more case capacity then my 223AI and it won't require any fireforming.