2024 Newfoundland Moose Hunt

Dec 11, 2018
I just completed a Moose Hunt in Newfoundland with Lake Douglas Outfitters. We went 4 for 4 in our group and 13 for 14 for the lodge for the week. The first morning calling session didn't produce any movement, but we continued our way to the spike camp location. After settling in and grabbing a nap we headed back out around 4 PM and went to a bog that we checked briefly on the way in. There was a steady breeze blowing south, so we setup with the open bog to our North, East, and West. After about 10 minutes of calling I look to my hard left (West) and I just see black and paddles coming. I had settled in to shoot ahead off of a tree for stability, but had to pull off and settle for off hand shooting. When the bull got to 40 yards and stopped head on; not appearingto going to turn broadside and go toward the caller, I decided to shoot him in the neck. He was stopping to check the wind in which he was almost downwind of us. He took off to my left and I fired another shot, but missed as he was running and getting into brush, but before getting to the woods, he fell over. We worked him up quickly and got the Argo and go him back to camp in plenty of time before dark.
The next morning I went out with Steve. We took an Argo to the lake and went to an inlet first thing. Only producing 2 playing otters, we moved on down the lake. After a couple of miles, we ran into a cow just offshore. Moving on we saw another cow in an inlet on the other side. After closing on, we spotted a bull on the lake edge just ahead and he was running into the woods in the direction of the cow. Closing in, the cow went into the woods. After seeing the bull, I started recording this on my phone camera. We got to about 75 yards from shore and rounded the corner of the inlet to have the bull come into view and stop broadside. Steve took the shot and the bull nose dived into the ground and only kicked a time or two. Upon getting to him, we saw that he had him him right behind the eye. It is legal to hunt from a boat in Newfoundland. After a quick field dressing, we loaded him onto the boat for a wonderful ride back to the Argo and camp.

It was a great hunt and if you are looking for a great and relaxing Moose Hunt, give Lake Douglas Outfitters a look.

Wyoming Hart


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