2024 AZ Bull


Mar 22, 2018
I’ve been hunting elk for 25 years, and I’ve successfully managed to take 4 bulls in that time. This year I was finally arrow my biggest bull ever. It’s been a long road. My first bull was a low 200s 4x4 rag horn, second bull was a 325” 6x7 bull, and both were with a rifle. My 3rd bull was a high 200s 5x5 with a bow, and this year I got a 347” 6x7 with my bow. I took him on the first night of the hunt with a 125 gr tooth of the arrow broadhead, at 37 yards. I got a perfect double lung shot, with a complete pass through. He didn’t know he was hit for about 5 seconds. After he knew something was up, he walked to the top of a hill, got wobbly legged and fell over face forward. He got back up and did a 391 yard death run, breaking trees in half the entire way, before piling up. Hopefully the draw gods are good to me and I don’t have to wait 10+ years for the next tag. IMG_8383.jpegIMG_8381.jpegIMG_8451.jpeg