Thought it would be cool to start a thread of 2024 moose hunt prep for others to chime in and possibly help some new guys that are going in their first moose hunt.
The “Next Trip” is always on my mind but around this time things start getting real. Just over 6 months away and the time is flying by.
I started organizing and portioning out my food this evening that’ll go in gallon ziplock bags once I collect everything. 1 bag per day plus some stovetop and instant mashed potatoes to hopefully go with some moose tenderloin if/when we’re successful.
Also started making a to-do list of all the small things I need to gather and am going to start physical training here next week.
I have my Gear List pretty well nailed down and tweaked from previous trips with a couple things added and a couple things taken off the list. I’ve upgraded sleeping bags and am adding a designated camp pillow instead of using a dry bag stuffed with clothes.
One of my favorite quotes about Alaska…
“They all say once in a lifetime until they make it up there once, then they spend a lifetime going back”
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