2022 ALASKA MOOSE 14-DAY DIY (and a preseason 10-day float)


Mar 28, 2017
Thank you all for your patience with my lengthy narratives and pictures of rainbows and a blurry wolf…I can’t believe I even did that LOL…geez…I’m a former Marine!

A few last closing comments of sincere thanks. BTW, I do not profit in any way from any of my following thankful comments about specific services, people, or gear. It just seems like the right thing to do…

Over the last nine years, I have used Wade Renfro as my transporter between fifteen to twenty times for remote moose hunts, grizzly hunts, and five different 10-day lite-raft floats…all DIY. I am so thankful for each adventure, and very thankful for Wade and his hard-working staff. Wade is a very good man in my admittedly biased opinion, knowing him and his good family for twenty-years…period. Thank you Renfro family! Reiterating once again (sorry), each trip is what it is…so many things totally outside our control when doing a fly-in trip. I just try to be truly grateful inside and humbly go with the flow. It’s always a learning opportunity for me, and I wouldn’t trade any of my trips. My son and I are planning to go moose hunting together next year with Wade. My long-time hunting friend is reluctantly tapping-out on remote adventures due to increasing health challenges. Thankfully, I’m still going strong.

I want to thank another good man…Larry Bartlett …for bringing us some truly great outdoor products, and his generous discount for fellow veteran’s. I use the heck out of my PR-49HD and my Kork (pictured in the float images), and a few years ago my wife bought me LB’s roll-up sled (it has saved my old man back from humping meat loads across tundra!). Thank you LB!

I am once again also thankful this year for my Hilleberg Staika tent…I just had to say that (again) after this trip. I’ve used it for the past eight years on my remote drop hunts out in western Alaska and on Kodiak as base-camp on a mountain goat hunt. It has been repeatedly tested by me and truly bomb-proof, even in a residual typhoon this year…and, as noted in shared photos last year and once again this year, it’s a proven effective moose attractant LOL! Below is a supplemental photo of our Staika’s pitched on an open treeless plateau for a grizzly hunt a bit further south in western Alaska several years ago. That was the first trip with my Staika, and I became an immediate fan. That lake to the left was typically white-capping from some strong winds and occasional blowing rain over the course of that 7-day hunt.

My sincere best to you all for safe and memorable hunting adventures in each of your futures!

View attachment 461657
Thanks for sharing. Great read


May 16, 2015
Thank you all...and my sincere best to everyone for safe and wonderful hunting adventures this fall!!

Heading back to moose hunting heaven tomorrow...