2018 otc mule deer


Dec 14, 2018

I had a friend of mine come down from Alaska to hunt with me. After a 2 day horse trip as well as miles and miles of my stomping grounds covered, not turning up more than dink 3 pts we decided to check out a new area. while driving up the road there was a herd of elk, I never would have even slowed down to look at but since he had never seen elk before, we stopped and pulled out the spotting scope and standing right above the elk at 1150 yds stood this buck. makes me wonder how many gimme bucks I pass each year just trying to get to a spot

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Congratulations ! I ponder the same question myself. What am I passing by as I go to a specific location ? There might be the trophy of a lifetime on a little patch of land I drive by without looking.
My buddy talked me out of shooting 1150 so we came around got above him just in time to see him walk into a patch of buck brush so the next morning I packed in the dark and sealed the deal at 505 shooting a factory 300 win mag and 200 gr eldx with 1.5 lb timney
After we left the buck the first day we went and shot a 12” rock at 1150 but ultimately was a good call to wait him out even if it did almost kill my nerves

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Shrek i bet it would scare us both to know the answer

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