my thoughts after shooting one yesterday. First impression, I like the overall look of the bow, but the dip job was lackluster! If I'm going to spend $1600 on a bow it better look perfect so this narrowed it down to solid colors for me (my buddy was a different shop and said the dip job was horrible on the ones he looked at). The bow feels kind of heavy even though it is only 1oz more than last years turbo, I think this is because of the added weight at the bottom to balance it, it was not anything that would bother me though. I didn't think I would like the grip because I am a fan of the wood grip, to my surprise it did fit my hand well and didn't bother me. Once I started shooting it I completely forgot about the grip.
The bow builds very quick on the draw but is not heavy to draw just stiff. It is a very smooth draw and drops off into the valley very nicely, I thought the let off would bug me, I just cant stand high let off and bows you feel like you have to push to let down. that is not the case with this bow at all. the valley is very short but it does not want to rip your arm off at all. I could easily let it down 3-4 inches and pull it right back without any strain or feeling like I had to catch it. the Wall felt great to me and harder than my defiant turbo (the wall on hoyts has never bothered me though). On the shot the bow kicks out from the bottom and has a little jump, this is easily fixable with a good stabilizer (the bow I shot did not have anything on it other than a rest). It is not a quiet as other brand bows I have shot this year but it is quieter than any of my defiant bows. Overall I really like the draw and feel of the bow, I am waiting for one of my local dealers to have an ultra I can test but if it shoots like the RX1 I shot I will probably be ordering an 80# buckskin.