2018 Hoyt - thoughts?

Great information. The bows looked great to my novice eye, so it's comforting to hear confirming thoughts from someone with much more experience.

I've never purchased a new, current model year bow but this may be my first.

The fact that they can be pressed without special adapters is also a big "plus" in my book.
Ok I had a chance to set one up real quick and shoot it. I’ll do a bit more detailed review later this week and explain a few things.

Initial impressions are great. The bows in the newer camo options look really sharp.

Everyone has been asking about the new grip. I normally run side plates and this new grip is damn close to the same feel. It’s much thinner on the back. Has a really good feel to it.

Draw cycle is very smooth with no dump into the back wall. Nice easy transition. Back wall is good. I think it could be a little firmer for my liking but it’s still good.

Hold on target is also very good. I only have an 8” B Stinger with 3oz on it currently. I personally run a longer stabilizer with more weight but I thought it held fine for what it had.

Again I’ll try and do a bit more in-depth review later this week. Possibly even put a video up on it.
Thanks Darin. Really appreciate your input. I am wavering between the 32" or 35". Going to shoot them both. My draw length is 30", so may go with the longer a2a.

I would... I almost always gravitate to the longer bow. As good as the shorter bows feel, once I get my hands on the longer one it usually feels like a long lost friend I can't miss with. For guys at 28.5 and under, the 32 will probably be the ticket, 29 and longer I usually recommend the longer bow unless you need compact for treestand/ground-blind hunting.
Is it just me or are the new hoyts really just a Hoytthews?

Wider limbs and spacing (at least on the bottom), yoke rings and a 5 piece string/cable set, from what I can tell a similar "tophat" spacer on the bottom cam, and a lower grip position on the riser...

The new 2018 Hoytthews Redwrx and Hoytthews Hyperforce.

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Is it just me or are the new hoyts really just a Hoytthews?

Wider limbs and spacing (at least on the bottom), yoke rings and a 5 piece string/cable set, from what I can tell a similar "tophat" spacer on the bottom cam, and a lower grip position on the riser...

The new 2018 Hoytthews Redwrx and Hoytthews Hyperforce.

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Is this surprising? There are only so many ways to re-invent the wheel, and mostly you just end up with a bunch of slightly different looking wheels.
I had a chance to shoot the carbon rx-1 one today. Initial impression was that I really like the appearance. The one I shot was in Kuiu camo and it was sharp looking. The bow seemed to balance better than my pro defiant and the grip was similar to my side plates. The draw was good, though not any better than my pro. My only issue was the rx-1 had a fair amount of hand shock, but I'm chalking that up to it being a bare bow. Overall I liked the new hoyt, but I am sticking with my pro defiant for the foreseeable future. If I was in the market for a new bow the rx-1 would be at the top of my list, but for me it is not worth upgrade right now.
Is it just me or are the new hoyts really just a Hoytthews?

Wider limbs and spacing (at least on the bottom), yoke rings and a 5 piece string/cable set, from what I can tell a similar "tophat" spacer on the bottom cam, and a lower grip position on the riser...

The new 2018 Hoytthews Redwrx and Hoytthews Hyperforce.

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Sounds like a lot of Mathews fans should be jumping ship then so they can have a carbon riser and half a pound lighter bow. Not a bad strategy Hoyt.

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Thanks bcopley and ORArcher for your first hand account. Hope to shoot one tomorrow or this weekend
We received 8 bows into the shop today in which I played around with the Carbon RX-1. IMO a lot of new technology that went into this bow.

With the new buss cable being split on the bottom tuning this bow is simple. You can only use the yoke on the buss with this system, (can't twist the buss at the bottom) which the yokes seemed to be very responsive. Doing so, I also seen that Hoyt made the right yoke connector a tad taller (I'm talking hundredth of a thousand or so) than the left to give the cam the proper lean.... Obviously you can still twist the control the same as before.

The new grip felt great. If Hoyt could improve on an already awesome grip they did it! I shoot my current CD 34 off the riser and feel this grip may make the cut for this year. I noticed that the RX-1 at 28" seemed to run short,,,, always a breath of fresh air compared to most companies running long on draw lengths!

Draw cycle was smooth as silk much like that of my DFX cams on my CD 34 and just as easy drawing. Stiff off the start of the draw and easy at the back with a smooth transition into the back wall. The back wall seemed a bit softer than the last few models.

The balance of this bow might be the best I've felt and glad Hoyt will never go away with that!!!!!
Now just to get my hands on a Carbon RX-1 Ultra!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for weighing in from those that have seen/shot them. Appreciate the candid response as always from Darin. I'll be taking a pretty hard look at the 35.
Another couple of questions. I assume as with past Hoyts you are going to maximize performance with a smaller cam at the end of the draw length range or sacrifice a little performance and get an easier draw at the low end of the larger cam?

Do these new bows use the same quiver mount system as the previous models? I use a 2 piece Arrow Rack and in the past the mounts have sometimes changed and you need to buy a new quiver to accommodate.

How will changing the let off affect overall performance if any?
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my thoughts after shooting one yesterday. First impression, I like the overall look of the bow, but the dip job was lackluster! If I'm going to spend $1600 on a bow it better look perfect so this narrowed it down to solid colors for me (my buddy was a different shop and said the dip job was horrible on the ones he looked at). The bow feels kind of heavy even though it is only 1oz more than last years turbo, I think this is because of the added weight at the bottom to balance it, it was not anything that would bother me though. I didn't think I would like the grip because I am a fan of the wood grip, to my surprise it did fit my hand well and didn't bother me. Once I started shooting it I completely forgot about the grip.

The bow builds very quick on the draw but is not heavy to draw just stiff. It is a very smooth draw and drops off into the valley very nicely, I thought the let off would bug me, I just cant stand high let off and bows you feel like you have to push to let down. that is not the case with this bow at all. the valley is very short but it does not want to rip your arm off at all. I could easily let it down 3-4 inches and pull it right back without any strain or feeling like I had to catch it. the Wall felt great to me and harder than my defiant turbo (the wall on hoyts has never bothered me though). On the shot the bow kicks out from the bottom and has a little jump, this is easily fixable with a good stabilizer (the bow I shot did not have anything on it other than a rest). It is not a quiet as other brand bows I have shot this year but it is quieter than any of my defiant bows. Overall I really like the draw and feel of the bow, I am waiting for one of my local dealers to have an ultra I can test but if it shoots like the RX1 I shot I will probably be ordering an 80# buckskin.
Another couple of questions. I assume as with past Hoyts you are going to maximize performance with a smaller cam at the end of the draw length range or sacrifice a little performance and get an easier draw at the low end of the larger cam?

Do these new bows use the same quiver mount system as the previous models? I use a 2 piece Arrow Rack and in the past the mounts have sometimes changed and you need to buy a new quiver to accommodate.

How will changing the let off affect overall performance if any?

Same quiver bracket mount! Same idea on a smaller cam vrs. larger cam! Also, 85% will obviously give you less holding weight than 80% and will affect speed a little I would assume!
Went to my local store today and shot the new Rx1 of Hoyts Redworx and it is awesome. Now i am no bow expert but it does feel much smoother than my Carnon element and seems to level out easier in my hand. Also the thing is super fast. Like scary fast compared to mine. Idk which let off setting it had on it but it felt like i was holding nothing and also did not feel as though it was pulling on the string ready to shoot. Felt like i could hold it for days. I love that there are more camo options. Also don't let the suggested retail price scare you he told me that they would be coming down on the price. Overall if i can find someone to buy my Carbon Element for a decent price ill probably be trying to break the piggy bank open to be carrying it into the woods next year.
I did read on archery talk that it may be possible to get them with different limbs which would bump the brace height up to 7". To me that sounds awesome, would love to know if its true and what it would do to the specs.
7" brace height would get it closer to 330 fps, about like drcreasing draw length by an inch.

Think maybe I'll put turbo cams on my CS 34 ZT...
So I had a chance to do a little speed test on the new Hoyt RX1. The particular bow I was using is a #3 cam set at 70# with the 85% let off mods. I did a 5 shot average with 3 different weight arrows at 3 different draw length settings to see just how much efficiency the cam lost as you shortened the draw length. Now take these speed numbers with a grain of salt because my current chronograph is a real POS and not real accurate but it was consistent throughout the test so it will show a consistent trend.

Arrow #1 - 501.8 grains
30" draw = 271.6FPS avg
28.5" draw = 257.2FPS avg
27" draw = 240.8FPS avg

Arrow #2 - 444.8 grains
30" draw = 282.2 FPS avg
28.5" draw = 268.8 FPS avg
27" draw = 255.8 FPS avg

Arrow #3 - 353.8 grains
30" draw = 310.4 FPS avg
28.5" draw = 303.8 FPS avg
27" draw = 279.4 avg

With this information I'd definitely recommend guys who are at the 27-28" draw length to go with a #2 cam. You may lose a little bit of smoothness but will have much better performance out of the bow. Ill be curious to do a side by side comparison between the two cam sizes when I have one available for testing.
Shot the new RX-1 yesterday on my lunch break. I currently have a Carbon Element RKT. The only thing I really dislike about my CE is the cams wanting to take off because of the lack of valley. They appear to have fixed this with this model and it was a really sweet shooter. I held it for a long time, and even tried creeping a little with it. I did not look that closely to the camo job on it. The bow balances really well, and felt good to hold. I prefer the 32" ATA on it compared to the 30" ATA on the CE. It would have been nice if they could have kept the weight the same as the element while adding those couple extra inches. I feel like it felt a little heavier in the hand.

I wish they could have just knocked $50 off the price of the bow or something instead of including a case with it. Most everyone already has a case, and don't need another one. They are already expensive enough!

Been thinking about getting into the trad world a little, and upgrading my clothing, so I've got some decisions to make.