2017 Swarovski ATX eye piece


Oct 6, 2016
Prescott, AZ
Brand new ATX eye piece. Never been on a hunt. Perfect condition! $1900.00 I replaced it with a BTX so I am letting it go. Happy to offer serial numbers and pictures to anyone interested.
$1700.00 is lowest I will go otherwise I will give it to my son. Every 13 year old should start his hunting career with Swaro glass. :)

I guess that would allow me to sell some lightly used Vortex stuff he using now...
Also- For $1775.00 I will include the Outdoorsman Digiscope adapter body as well as the ring for the ATX.
Paypal Gift... I will ship insured on my dime...
If I could get my swaro ATM 65 HD sold I'd take that think off ur hands in a second!
$1700.00 is lowest I will go otherwise I will give it to my son. Every 13 year old should start his hunting career with Swaro glass. :)

I guess that would allow me to sell some lightly used Vortex stuff he using now...

I agree, Make him an optics snob as soon as you possibly can. You'll save him money in the long run:cool:
I agree, Make him an optics snob as soon as you possibly can. You'll save him money in the long run:cool:

Sad but true... No doubt a cheaper route... Of course I use my son as an excuse whenever I purchase something expensive- "Well someday this will be CJ's and so the price is not really that high when prorated over two lifetimes..." LOL.

Thanks JD- It may still be in the safe so hang onto my contact info.