2012 Idaho buck

Brock A

Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Orting, WA
Well, My step dad & I hadn't been back to this area since 2008. We arrived at where we were going to set up base camp on Saturday about mid day. We set up the wall tent, got organized and then took off to do a little glassing as the sun went down. Our plan was to hike in a few miles the next day and bivvy out for 2 or 3. The weather was chilly and on the verge of changing, you could just tell.

Well as the sun crested the hills the next morning we at the top of the saddle and following the ridge along, glassing several small bowls along the way. By the time we reached the 4th bowl it was mid day. We cooked a little lunch and Starbucks via to take the chill off. At this time the weather was still pretty decent. After some more glassing we spotted a heard of elk about a mile away with a nice bull in it. Although we didn't have elk tags it was still incredible to watch this true backcountry bull with his cows.

We had a few hours of light left and we decide to head back towards the 3rd bowl as there was a small patch of burned timber we could set up our tents out of view of the basins. We found a semi level spot, set up the tents and headed to the edge of the 3rd bowl to glass some more.

Not 70 yards from our tents and 30 seconds into our glassing session, My step dad, Doug says those famous words "there is a deer, its a buck". At this point we are still on the tree line and slowly back step into the timber as the deer was bedded roughly 400 yards away. We went to the tents, ditched some gear and got ready for a stalk. With 2 hours of light we had plenty of time. We headed to nearly the top of the bowl and started sneaking our way down. When we were within about 150 yards of where we land marked his bed I stopped and sat down, we could not see him anymore and the wind had switched direction minutes before and was now doing the opposite as we needed. I thought he gave us the slip as we could see 2, possibly 3 escape routes.

I stayed put as my step dad moved down lower towards the deer, sure enough, I catch movement in the gully that leads out of the basin, its him. I quickly get him in my cross hairs and whistle, hoping to stop him and allow Doug to get a shot. Well the deer stops for a few seconds, no shot. He starts trotting off again. I whistle again. This time he freezes broadside and I couldn't wait any longer. So I torched off. The rest is history. Turns out Doug was just low enough to where he couldn't see him until right when I shot.

We got to him, quartered him up and hiked him to the top of the saddle then headed back for the tents. We woke the next morning with a light dusting of snow, not 30 minutes later it was a blizzard. Made for a very long and hard hike out.



Bivy Camp

Hiking out
Brock A

Brock A

Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Orting, WA
Thanks guys! All this did was fuel the fire for next year!
Brock A

Brock A

Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Orting, WA
I gotta give the credit to my step dad & hunting partner Doug, He spotted it. I just happen to be in the right place at the right time. He is one of those "lurkers" on here and I know he will read this! Thanks for the great hunt man!