20 gauge slug gun help with purchase


Jun 13, 2017
I am looking for a 20 gauge slug gun with a rifled barrel. It will primarily be for youth hunting but I might also play with it. Plan on chasing elk and Deer.

Looking for:
1) accuracy for a little extra range
2) don't care about weight
3) don't care about action but semi auto may have less recoil

So what advice do you have?
Same here, recommend the Savage. Also, if you can find one, the NEF/H&R Slug Hunter - a single shot break action, nice and accurate. (Heavy too, and that helps with recoil.)
My only beef with the 220 is chambering a round from the magazine. Tough to do with any amount of stealth. Luckily the first shots for my son and I have been money.
Expensive and sporadically produced now but the 20 gauge Ithaca Deerslayer II and III are shooters and beautiful shotguns.

I grew up driving by the Ithaca factory and even stopped in once to have them switch out a stock I'd broke shooting slugs in my model 87, which was my first shotgun I had bought. I looked at the web page and wow, those deerslayers are a beautiful gun.

I'd suggest, as many others here have, the savage platform. I have an origional slug warrior in 12 gauge and were I to ever hunt in a slug only area, I'd buy a new one in a 20.
I also like the 220.

Having said that, you also mentioned semi auto for less recoil. If it’s in budget take a look at the Browning Silver Slug Hunter.
Savage 220. Had one while living back East years ago. Very little recoil, accurate with Remington Accutip slugs, legit 150 yds. range with scope and in the hands of a proficient shooter.
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I grew up driving by the Ithaca factory and even stopped in once to have them switch out a stock I'd broke shooting slugs in my model 87, which was my first shotgun I had bought. I looked at the web page and wow, those deerslayers are a beautiful gun.

I'd suggest, as many others here have, the savage platform. I have an origional slug warrior in 12 gauge and were I to ever hunt in a slug only area, I'd buy a new one in a 20.
Yeah I have two of them, a 12 and a 20. Great looking guns. One season I shot 3” slugs out of the 12 and got too close to my scope. I would advise against that unless you want to see stars and have a bloody gash on your nose.
Well I guess the clear recommendation is the Savage 220. I'm not sure I have seen a thread like this that was so united.

I'll start shopping..
Savage 220. We have two of them. Got them both ordered from Sportsman Warehouse. Live in weapons restriction area 309. They drop deer and elk like Thor’s hammer.
My dad before he passed bought a Remington 1100, rifled barrel in 20 gauge. He had a scope installed and that dang gun, is one of the most accurate guns I have in my safe, and with little recoil, it is in my opinion, is a great beginners gun. I keep saying every year i'm using it for elk hunting, but either I fill my tag with the bow or I just grab my rifle...maybe this year I'll take it.
Update. Went to the store today and planned to by the Savahe 220. When looking close there was a gap between the barrel shoulder and the barrel nut. Like a 1/16inch gap. Looked like they were more worried about lining up the words on the barrel than setting the barrel tight. The second one was a camo version and cost an extra $100. It looked good. Third one was also camo and it was also poorly seated.

I showed the employee and he also said he wouldn't buy it. He went in back and checked 4 others and they also were seated odd.

So is this just normal for a barrel nut savage? Can any owners take a look and see what there's looks like.
