1x fired brass not feeding


Aug 17, 2018
Havak element 6.5 prc
Feeds factory ammo fine

Fired Norma brass doesn't feed

Attempted to size with redding type s Fl die. Can't get it to feed easily. Even using competition shell holders.

Never had an issue with any ammo until past week.


All of it does the same. Extremely tight bolt closing

Thought it was a carbon ring, cleaned it extensively
Took bolt apart cleaned it extensively.

Set die up as indicated, just so tight on cam over.

Using rcbs summit press
Were they fired in your gun?

If your full length sizing you should be measuring the headspace before and after. Get the correct tools, Hornady headspace gauges will be the cheapest. Without that it’s a guessing game of what you’re doing.
Try using a healthy spray of Hornady one shot lube inside necks before resizing. Good chance the expander ball is deforming the case due to insufficient neck id lube.
There are lots of reports of redding prc dies not sizing enough of the case to chamber well. And even more reports of the clicker problem with prcs. Doing an aw2 reamer and/or a rollsizer would fix you right up, but cost $$$$$.

Easiest solution is to try a different sizing die.
It wasn't sized enough, if you don't have a comparator you can turn the die down slightly until the case chambers. You want to be careful though and don't oversize the case. Maybe 1/16 of a turn at a time. If its really hard to chamber you could probably go about an 1/8 of a turn.
like a dumbass no.
I will when I get home
If it turns out that the case isn't sized completely then the first thing to double check is your die setup. You might have to turn it in a bit more (keep in mind that the mechanical system of the press can and will flex during sizing). Use lube.

There are lots of good ideas presented in this thread, but check the simple things first.
I have a comparator
I'm getting zero bump no matter what
I'm not using expander ball

Already did the aw2 reamer to it.

Grabbing right on the shoulder according to my sharpie marks.
When brass is fired in another chamber, it’s not uncommon to require a small base die to squeeze it enough near the web.
Same rifle never fired in another

I've tried rcbs Lee and Redding competition holders

I've screwed it half turn past cam over

Still no movement on my comparator.

Bout to order the sac dies
Order a Hornady sizing die for $40 from midway.

If you crank down on your Redding die enough to properly size it it will probably dent most of your cases. Happened to me and lots of others on shooting forums.
Same rifle never fired in another

I've tried rcbs Lee and Redding competition holders

I've screwed it half turn past cam over

Still no movement on my comparator.

Bout to order the sac dies
Maybe sand down the shell holder?
Since brass was fired in this gun it’s definitely a mismatch between the chamber and sizing die. If the die is wide where the body meets the shoulder as the shoulder is pushed back it can flare out. If the angle of the shoulder in the die does not match the chamber it can read just fine in a measuring gizmo and not chamber because the gizmo is only measuring the outermost part of the shoulder and misses a long neck/shoulder.

Weird it only did this with one brand of brass.
Since brass was fired in this gun it’s definitely a mismatch between the chamber and sizing die. If the die is wide where the body meets the shoulder as the shoulder is pushed back it can flare out. If the angle of the shoulder in the die does not match the chamber it can read just fine in a measuring gizmo and not chamber because the gizmo is only measuring the outermost part of the shoulder and misses a long neck/shoulder.

Weird it only did this with one brand of brass.
No it has done it with any brass. I was only neck sizing went to full length
Where is the case grabbing? Sharpie up a case and check for rub marks.
I'll second this. Find out where it's rubbing and go from there. I have had to send a die back to Forster with 3 fired cases before due to the die not sizing the web properly.
No it has done it with any brass. I was only neck sizing went to full length
That must be frustrating.

I remember another fl die that was narrow at the top of the body and as it squeezed the side of the walls it pushed the entire shoulder forward like squeezing a banana and a mismatch in shoulder angle left it unable to chamber. Taking some material off the bottom of the die so it could push the entire shoulder back farther was the fix for that one.

If a sharpie mark doesn’t show which part of the case is binding up, sometimes smoking the case with soot from a candle will show it easier.