1st (ever) 100 yard group

The Silverflame BH's are actually one of the best flying fixed heads I've shot. Right up there with Wac'ems and Shuttle T's for me even at long range, so I wouldn't worry about that. But you're all over the place. The two BH's are consistent left and right, but too much daylight between them with elevation. That's probably you. Same for the FP's.......too spread out to gauge anything IMO.

Try 20 yards with the BH first, then the FP. Then we'll see where you are.
Ok. Back from WY now, snuck out at lunch and shot BH at 50 yards (max distance at this location. Basically the BH are shooting well right of tips. 1st two arrows missed the target right. I really don't know how to tune, but moved my sight in a little, then moved my rest a little... trying to bring them into center. Right now my tips are hitting a little left at 50 but grouped pretty well. BH are still right and not nearly as tight. See pic.

FT are the 3 left of center. The BH are top and bottom right and one was a complete miss right. Didn't want to keep moving my FT further from center so I stopped here.

These are 125gr German Kinetics. I also have a pack of 125gr grave digger coc hybrids to shoot, but forgot to put them in the truck so maybe shoot them tomorrow.

Is this a common problem? What should I do next? If the hybrids shoot well tomorrow do I just drop the GK and call it good? If they don't, what adjustments should I look to do next? I've only shot for 2 seasons now and never shot anything but mechanicals unroll now so this is all pretty new to me.

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That group is at 50 yards? that is like 3 MOA. I don't think that is the broadhead. That is the Indian or a out of tune bow or both. GK fly darts and have a reputation as such.
That is not one group, those are 2x3 shot groups, one with field tips and one with broadheads, both at 50 yards on an 18" x 18" target.

The 3 shot group on the left (green fletch) is FT. That's a 4.5" group at 50 yards and i really can't shoot any better than that. Other than being left of center due to the adjustments made to bring my BH in from wide right, I'm happy with that.

The 2nd 3 shot group (orange fletch) are definitely not as consistent. The two in the target might appear to be left/right consistent- but arrow number 3 was in the dirt - completely missing the target to the right. And they are just shy of 13" apart high/low - something that was DEAD on with the FT group.

I'm no Robin hood, but I don't think the inconsistency in the BH group was the indian (me). At least, not primarily me. I shot three or 4 groups with this being the case each time. Took a photo of the last group b/c I was out of ideas and simple fixes.

So if it's not me (assuming, for now), and it's not the GK broadheads (again, assuming for now), then what do I do next?

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I like 5miles idea to move in to 20 and shoot the FTs and GKs again. I wouldn't change broad heads at this point and esp one that typically flies really well.
I like 5miles idea to move in to 20 and shoot the FTs and GKs again. I wouldn't change broad heads at this point and esp one that typically flies really well.
Ok. After work tomorrow if I can get out in time. Stay tuned...

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You'll need to move the rest to bring the L/R together. Move the rest to the right about 1/8 inch, then resight in the bow with FP's. Shoot another group with FP's and BH's and the broadheads should be closer. Continue to do this until the L/R is the same.

As for the up/down, that is likely you. In my experience when you have no consistency in POI it is you and not the equipment. An out of tune bow will still group, just not where you are aiming. High impact is due to a nock low condition, arrow comes off the bow with the tip higher than the nock and climbs in flight. Low impact is due to a nock high condition, arrow comes off the bow with the tip lower than the nock and falls in flight. Tune problem isn't going to cause an opposite effect. Only thing I can think of on a bow that would cause that is a D loop that is too wide and the arrow is nocked differently every time.

More likely it is an inconsistent anchor and or punching the release.
Thanks. I didn't know that about the nock point. I'll take a look at it today when i shoot again. Seems like there may be a little bit of play there inside the d-loop now that you mention it.

I did move the rest right about a 1/16" yesterday to get the BH to hit the target. Before thatbI also moved my sight about 5 clicks left. Should I bring the sight back to where it was and just adjust the rest over more? Or just play around with both until I'm getting what I want?

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Move the rest, then re-sight field points to hit the X by moving your sight. Then shoot broadheads again to compare to field points - point of impact should be closer. Then repeat rest/sight adjustments until broadheads are hitting with field points. Start at 20-30, then go to 40,50,60, etc. to fine tune.

Nock point should have a very small amount of travel - I usually go for 1/16" or so for the nock to move up and down inside the D-loop to avoid nock pinch at full draw. Too much play and you'll get issues though.
You might have to switch the top hats on the Halon to clean up your horizontal problems.

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You need some sort of consistency in order to get a good tune. Otherwise you're trying to tune to your shooting instead of what the equipment is doing. And if you're not consistent, then your tuning will be all over the place as well.

Here's something simple you can do and I'd jump right to the BH tipped arrows, leave the FT arrows alone for now. Shoot at a vertical line from close range, even 5-7 yards will work. Concentrate on splitting that line with your arrow, elevation doesn't matter here. It would be best if your target is close to your arrow level in height at full draw. Adjust your sight as needed until you split the line consistently. Then move back to the furthest yardage that you can shoot accurately, at that same line with the BH's. If they "consistently" hit left of the line, then move your rest "very slightly" to the right until they hit the line consistently. If they hit right of the line do the opposite. Once they are hitting the line go back to 5-7 yards and start over with adjusting your sight. Continue until they both split the line consistently.

Now......at whatever that furthest distance was, now shoot the BH arrow first and then a FT arrow at your bullseye. If you have to do it a few times to see any consistency, do that. Now, a lot of all this assumes that you have your nock point in the right place to start with and that your 2nd and 3rd axis on your sight is set up correctly. So, if your BH's and FP's aren't hitting together you may need to adjust your rest up or down.......within reason. You can also adjust elevation with your control cable, as well as adjusting left and rights with your yokes.......if your bow has them.

So as you can see........this can be a long and tedious process which can be complicated with inconsistent shooting, the wind, and/or even bad arrows.
Gotta say this was a really interesting thread so far. I shot out to 75 the other for the first time and was please with my groups as they were a little tighter than the OP @ 100. I believe if I stretched to 100 they would have been equal or a little larger than the OP group. Really would like to learn more about tuning my arrows and bow myself and this thread was very interesting. Still very lost, but very interesting none the less. It's also hard to find a place to shoot out to 100 in NYC especially with broadheads.