1LB Vs. $250?

I know Savage has kind of rebuilt there name over the past gouple of years and they are a decent gun especially for the price. Personally I am a fan of tikka. They are made by Sako and have very few different parts than the big brother and you are hard pressed to find a better shooting gun out of the box than Tikka. Remember these are opinions
FYI, Tikka rifles are made in Finland by the original Tikka gunsmiths who now collectively make many of the Sako models too - Tikka and Sako are owned by Beretta USA who also owns Benelli, Franchi and quite a few others - When Beretta bought Tikka it was AFTER they had already owned Sako for a few years, the Tikka gunsmiths caused quite an internal "stir" when the T3 first hit markets and out sold AND out shot the Sako lines, THAT is the reason barrels are now produced at Tikka, where Beretta rifle barrels are now produced by Beretta USA gunsmiths
I have 3-Savages that will reliably shoot .5" groups all day and have an amazing trigger. I had all Remingtons until this year when I picked up 2-.308's and 1-.300WM. I will buy another if I get any more rifles. The Tikkas have a solid reputation and following, but I do not like the feel.
Yep, 3 shot groups "all day long" …..
I also really like Savages for out-of-the-box rifles.

Nothing wrong with tikkas either, though. I really like that Bell and Carlson is making their medalist stocks for the T3 now, but that would add some weight.

Luke is spot on with the Marlin XL7s being great values as well, and they are just the older savage barrel nut design.

Tough to take a wrong turn here. If the weight is a top priority, the Tikka would probably be the best bet.
I am questioning that statement about the XL7 ? Granted the DESIGN w/ barrel nut is the same but that's where the comparison stops from what I experienced in the ONE I HAD - the stocks were prone to breaks in the pistol grip but IMO the best "budget" rifle to come along in a long while
I would go with the Savage. The tikka is an ok rifle but it doesn't stack up to the savage. The accutrigger is a much better trigger , the savage barrels are button pulled and some of the best put on a production rifle. The savage bolt face is a floating design that mates to the reciever lugs wthout the need to lap the bolt lugs and you can swap out barrels yourself at home . Even the package stock is pillar bedded . The savage is made in the USA. Did you add the weight of the scope mounts to the tikka ? The non package 116 savage is a little more but you get the accustock for the money. If you are really short on cash you can get open box and refurbished scopes from dealers like cameraland , natchez shooters supply , and others . Almost all the scopes I buy these days are demo scopes.
it's a free country so a guy can buy the gun he or she wants - "somebody" has to use that other stuff (Salvage)
Both Savage and Tikka have great reputations for being very good shooters right outta the box.

I have owned both. My only gripe with the Tikka was the plastic magazine...after a few years of sheep hunts with it, mine would fall out very easily. Sometimes I would look down and it would be out or hanging out. I got rid of it b/c of that.
go right on ahead and TRY to break one of those "plastic" magazines
I own a couple Tikkas and love them. I have never had a single problem with them and they shoot awesome! Their actions are one of the strongest and lightest according to my gun smith. He says they are 3.5 times stiffer than a Remington action, which is why I just used one for my custom. I personally think the Tikka rifles are the best gun available for the money. Just my opinion.

Jdog, have you used a Tikka? You can adjust the trigger very quickly with an allen wrench. Both of the Tikkas I own right now have very crisp and light triggers. They are probably my favorite factory trigger. I didn't even change out the trigger when I used a Tikka action for a custom rifle.

Justin, although your opinion is "only one", it is shared far and wide and very well stated
I own two 7mm-08's - one is a stainless Tikka T3 and the other is a Savage that I assembled with parts from three different rifles. I love them both and wouldn't want to pick one over the other as they are purpose-built for different jobs.

I have really enjoyed Savage rifles (hence the screen name) for the past 5-6 years and even set up my shop to do barrel swaps. It's fun and addicting and very cost effective if you want to change calibers on your favorite rifle. The walnut lightweight hunter stock I have on my 7mm-08 is one of the best lightweight stocks I've ever used, and it looks great too. Savage barrels are typically very accurate, and my 20" Axis sporter barrel prints groups every bit as small as my Tikka (which is saying something because the Tikka is very accurate).

My Tikka is a very different rifle. More modern design, notoriously accurate, very good quality synthetic factory stock that I didn't feel I needed to replace. It's just a very reliable, consistently accurate rifle. Because it's stainless and synthetic, it's my mountain rifle due to the very unpredictable nature of the weather at altitude. If I had to take a long range shot, it would be my choice due to the longer barrel, synthetic stock and slightly higher velocities over the 20" Savage. I put a straight 6x Weaver on my Tikka and that's perfect for western hunting situations, because the reticle works out very well for my 7mm-08 loads.

The Savage was purpose built for eastern woods hunting and hunting out of blinds. It's easier to carry through the brush and is scoped with a 2-7x33 VX2, which covers a wide variety of hunting situations from close and personal feral pigs in the brush, to 250-300 yard sendero/pipeline shots if I need it.

If you are handy and enjoy working on your own rifles, the Savage has a lot of appeal. If you don't want to ever tinker with your rifle, get the Tikka and be done with it. Both are great rifles.
I have a feeling the OP made a decision in the last 6 years

And if he chose the Savage, he’s probably regretting his decision, or already dumped it to buy a tikka. Haha.

Joking aside, savages are fun guns to tinker with. I owned one for a bit, changed the barrel, then sold it for the next flavor of the day.
Well said my man. It’s so weird, but I’ve consistently killed deer with a multitude of “Salvage” rifles. In fact, I’ve never had one even misfire or anything. I’ll have to pass along the opinions in this thread so my rifles start acting accordingly and breaking. I’ll have to let them know these guys dislike them so they’ll start acting appropriately.
you are correct … "your" opinion
Well said. I recently picked up a late 90’s Model 16 in 7mm mag for pennies on the dollar and literally $10 in replacement parts the gun shoots like a dream out to any distance. I gave it a new paint job and it’s like a brand new rifle. I’ll have to show it this thread so it starts not killing deer for for me because clearly it’s junk according to this thread.


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If ya like yer Savages that much who might I be to criticize that ? with the sporadic dislike that shows up for Tikka rifles as well as the misinformation floating around about all makes and models of guns ... I was just having some "fun" with ya'll, shucks ! It weren't like I said sumthin' mean about yer sister or nuthin' !! I imagine there are folks who dislike "Finnish gunsmiths" too, if one looks hard enough - the last time I picked up a Savage (note, I did not say Salvage) I thought I was in the gym ! (just sayin')
Funny you'd say that since Savage rifles are out of the box one of the lightest American-made rifles. It's actually one reason I use them. Now that Ruger stole their barrel nut design for their popular American series, they are selling rifles once again. Everyone has benefited from the Savage designs. Better shooting, less expensive, safer products in the market. I guess that's still not enough to keep some people from making fun of them though, which says more about the people than it does the guns.
Funny you'd say that since Savage rifles are out of the box one of the lightest American-made rifles. It's actually one reason I use them. Now that Ruger stole their barrel nut design for their popular American series, they are selling rifles once again. Everyone has benefited from the Savage designs. Better shooting, less expensive, safer products in the market. I guess that's still not enough to keep some people from making fun of them though, which says more about the people than it does the guns.
GAD ! sure glad I didn't say I drive a Ford truck …….
I don’t think anyone can argue the accuracy of either savage or tikka. It just comes down to preferences. I personally don’t like either of them but it has nothing to do with the function or accuracy of either, just my preferences. Sometimes it’s the safety location, sometimes the feel of the bolt, sometimes it’s the ugly barrel nut. Ford vs Chevy vs dodge. All are dependable and good, just have to pick your poison and don’t spend all day trying to convince a ford guy to buy a Chevy ( I know it’s sad for the ford guy but he will still get to his destination haha).

I have yet to be begin to procrastinate.