16pts Wyoming Elk DIY vs Guided


Mar 5, 2022
I'm in a bit of a struggle and looking for wisdom.

Ive applied for a unit I 'should' draw with 16 points. I could hunt the vast majority of the unit diy and have elk hunted about 8 times.. so comfortable with the process.
The quandary is: a guided hunt+ tip would run 15k.. + I'll have 2k into the tag if I draw.

Ive got the money squirreled away.. but also have 3 kids and debts to pay, trips we want to take yada yada.

Does a guy roll the dice? Rent a few llamas and go diy or stack the deck and go outfitted? I see merit to both considering the high probability of this being a once maybe twice in a lifetime tag.
I hear you on that one, in about same except with a moose. It was going to be a diy, however age does catch you and the lack of getting the animal out in a reasonable time. Good luck. If you know the area and want to enjoy yourself , then all means diy. Otherwise, it’s your dream hunt at this time and live no regrets.
$15K is getting up there for a guided elk hunt in my opinion. That would pay for some fun family vacations that my wife and kids would really enjoy. I've got max points and want to make the most of them but honestly the prices of some of these guided hunts is really making me strongly consider if I want to go that route in Wyoming.
How about talking to an outfitter about a drop in hunt with your equipment. I knew an outfitter a few years back that would do that. Had Sat phones at that time to see if everything was alright and if they had scored yet. Gave them a date he would pick them up, and it was quite a discounted rate from 1 of his drop camps.
Yeah I've done the drop camps in Colorado and had really good experiences but don't see em avaliable in wyo much?
That's the thing.. my kids are 7-8.5-12..
Awesome years for trips and memories.
Hunt is 13k. Figure 2k tip.. I'm 41. Good shape and with a horse or 2 llamas could diy. Got all the gear and then some.. Quarterd and packed out a few on my back but just not excited about solo on foot. Plus with g bears around I feel like it's wise to not dick around for days on a kill.
Many of the hard to draw units are easier hunting. That’s not always the case, but if you were to pick a unit like that, you could hunt it hard without an outfitter.

For several reasons, I would much rather use horses than llamas. That being said if you do know how to use livestock I can’t imagine paying that much money for an outfitter. It would cost less to go out there with your family in the summer and scope things out and then come back in the fall and lease a couple horses. I think that would be a plan at the top of my list.

One other thing to consider is this… time is the biggest factor. Weather can be a big one too. If you book an outfitted hunt you are going to get five or six days to hunt. The weather is what it is. On a DIY hunt you can hunt for two weeks. During that much time, the weather patterns will change and you will certainly have some great days of hunting.

But the big question is what is your goal?

You’ve hunted elk before. Are you looking for your bull of a lifetime? A monster? Keep in mind outfitted hunts don’t guarantee monsters.Do you just want to make sure you punch your tag with a decent representative six point bull? I am definitely leaning toward DIY, but I would have to know the answers to those questions before I decided.
One more thing… for that kind of money are you looking at a private land hunt? If so, my question would be what kind of experience are you looking for? Those hunts are all about killing. Not about an experience. But if you’re just looking for a monster bull, they probably offer you the highest odds. My guess though is that years later when you look at it on the wall, you will wish you did a wilderness hunt instead. Not many memories made on a ranch other than pulling the trigger.
I have no illusions of some 375 giant. I want something heavy and wide and an adventure I can look back on when I'm old. Scores are whatever.
Good point on the outfitter days / weather window.
Ive ridden horses but would be much more comfortable leading llamas from the aspect of being solo. Horse slips- spooks solo.. could be ugly.
I will echo MP's comment on time.

I would rather spend 3 weeks DIY vs 7 days w/outfitter. Since you have elk hunted before, you are not learning the basics as you go. You will spend less money and have more opportunity for memories. The extra time takes the pressure off. (BTW. In 2017, I did exactly per above. A great hunt with more memories than any elk hunt I have been on)
Sounds like you’ve been on a few elk hunts, if your comfortable in grizz country go for it diy, should be some opportunities for a good bull in a 16 point unit.
I’ve done several guided hunts. First one I did was a stretch financially and it kinda put this weird pressure on that hunt. I didn’t like it. Last one was about 15 k but paid for it over several years from booking to going and am in a different financial position. I didn’t feel the same pressure as the first. But is was a BC moose hunt and definitely wanted to kill a bull. Haha.
My thought is if it’s a stretch and that money maybe has multiple opportunities for use and isn’t just extra cash. then I’d go DIY. Maybe you are able to hunt longer that way… and it sounds like you hunt in your own. If you were someone who only did guided hunts or never hunted out west then I’d say go guided.
16 pts is a lot for WY. So you do def have some good options!
I think this 100% depends on where you are in life and what you want. A couple people mention what else you could do with the money.... well that's for you to decide.. you have to determine how much is too much... I am almost where you are points wise and my kids are grown and they are going to get enough when I go already, I have hunted a bit and could do it myself no problem, but I want one true wilderness horseback elk hunt, so I get totally get 100% where you are coming from and am looking for an outfitter for 2027.
Go on the hunt.
What’s the statistics around Gbears - groups of 3 ppl and it’s extremely unlikely to have any issues vs going solo. So u could easily save $14k by paying for a friend or two to tag along (their food, gear, etc). Have a great hunt with friends/help packing out and less chance of bear issues and lots of cash saved.
I like your odds DIY and more flexibility.
Also - as a father of 4 - no way I'm dropping $13K more than needed, not on an elk anyway...maybe a once in a lifetime species/hunt.

I also don't want to mess with horses or llamas, just want to hunt elk...I think I'd just be trying to arrange an outfitter/packer to be on call once I have a bull down.

Good Luck - can't beat fall in the elk woods.