Knockdown power is a complete myth
Our opinions and aparently real life experinces seem to differ greatly if you believe that enough to mention it.
I hunted from 1978 til about 2007 before i tracked the first rifle lung shot deer - mine or others. been shooting 150 gr pro hunters in 3006 at 2900 fps since 1978. Somewhere around 100 deer sample size. All but maybe 3 deer, bucks, have been drt. Never had a doe move. The tracks have been due to angled shots - thru ribs out gut kind of shots.
The folks i hunted w shot 270s and 130 gr bullets. Same responses, drt.
Thats why folks shot these calibers. If it aint knockdown power i dont know what to call it. You need to figure out the correct bullet for your gun and watch em flip, neck and head toss, just plain drop, whatever, they fall and dont get up 9+ times outta 10. We would hunt and if someone shot, ease on over and they’d direct me/you to the dead deer.
have a load w 15 drt and 1 track for 357 mag rifle. Anazing how lil pip squeak flattens them. Have a lot of energy transfer w xtp fp bullet. Other bullets (a-frame) punch thru and required tracking for a couple of those. Id feel comfy shooting a moose w that load. It is gonna go deep. Shot a 700# steer in forehead and found bullet about 16 inches behind skull, down neck.
1 drt and 1 track w 350 Legend so far. Its too slow with regular rifle bullets to be a drt kind of gun. 2350 fps w 165 ftx. Get 2 holes so that’s good. I need a bigger sampling but only get a rifle tag every 3 yrs now hunting public…was shooting 2-5/yr on a couple leases for a while.
243 has been the least impressive of my calibers but we trying a 2850 fps NP load and dad flattened a buck at 125 yds, facing. Blew out heart & entire side of ribcage from inside and then lodged in ham. Gives me hope for this gun. Oh, drt. Wish was shooting that load when shot my big muley w 243.
Sometime have to go w my experience over the “experts”. They gotta keep talking so they can get paid. Just keeping a narrative going. Not necessarily “right” about everything, discussing ideas. They missed the whole knockdown power thing by using elephant guns as examples. I’d rather get hit by a slow bus than a fast sportscar w crumple zone, just saying.
@fwafwow - both the 223 bullet and .308 bullet are “exploding”, would favor the one 2x the size if everything else was equal. Have had interconnective tissue bruising from neck, under shoulder, almost to the ham on some deer - but not in the shoulder muscle. Crazy. Then some are just a hole on both sides and a dead deer. Go figure.
I have no experience w the 223 77tmk combo.