156gr Berger EOL 6.5 prc load data.

This list has different min/max loads for the same powders from the 1st list. Is this from Berger? Thank you again.
Correct, data is from Berger. Look in the top right and you'll see a date (2019 and 2022). I'd use the 2022 version, but they don't include Vihta info on the 2022 (hence posting the 2019).
Yea one of their lists (older) had 60 grains of H1000 as the max. This new list has it as 56 grains
I've been digging around the web trying to work up a load with H1000 and 156 Bergers. I have found 3 different versions of this chart online, supposedly from Berger. The older one with 60.4 gr max. (seems way high to me), the newer one with 56.1 gr max, and the newest version has 58.4 grains.
I've been digging around the web trying to work up a load with H1000 and 156 Bergers. I have found 3 different versions of this chart online, supposedly from Berger. The older one with 60.4 gr max. (seems way high to me), the newer one with 56.1 gr max, and the newest version has 58.4 grains.

Yea I think 60 is way too high. Personally I’m shooting 58 grains of H1000.
Berger data has always been all over the damn place. Had max listed loads below my starting loads and different data with starting loads that are overpressure from them.