147 eldm vs 156 EOL terminal and external ballistics

I’ll add some more evidence for the 147 eld, uh it kills fast, I shot a antelope buck at 806 impact velocity was 1970ish and it stood for maybe 5 sec and tipped over, death kicked died. Hit back 1/3rd of lungs and vaporized them. Wife killed one at 330 same day, same thing was about 2500 impact velocity, just behind shoulder, had a tiny exit hole idk if it was a fragment or what but it vaporized lungs stood for a few secs tipped over and died.

Elk tag opens Thursday hoping to try 147s on one.

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I’ll add some more evidence for the 147 eld, uh it kills fast, I shot a antelope buck at 806 impact velocity was 1970ish and it stood for maybe 5 sec and tipped over, death kicked died. Hit back 1/3rd of lungs and vaporized them. Wife killed one at 330 same day, same thing was about 2500 impact velocity, just behind shoulder, had a tiny exit hole idk if it was a fragment or what but it vaporized lungs stood for a few secs tipped over and died.

Elk tag opens Thursday hoping to try 147s on one.

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Good luck and report back with your adventure and findings.
Good luck and report back with your adventure and findings.

Killed a small bull at 122yds shot him off hand hit liver, got on him 5mins later and put one in him at 20yds, he was going to die but one through both lungs made it quick. Will keep hunting with them, they tore him up. Have a mule deer, whitetail and cow tag left

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Killed a small bull at 122yds shot him off hand hit liver, got on him 5mins later and put one in him at 20yds, he was going to die but one through both lungs made it quick. Will keep hunting with them, they tore him up. Have a mule deer, whitetail and cow tag left

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That’s awesome and congratulations. Well, looks like time to order some and load them up. Shoot straight
My personal experience with the 156s out of a 6.5 SS at 2950 fps have been great so far. Only experience has been down to 2800 fps on whitetail 3 times. Each time I’ve found what was left of the bullet on the off side hide. I plan to test at ~600-700 yards this year. Will report back.
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My personal experience with the 156s out of a 6.5 SS at 29500 fps have been great so far. Only experience has been down to 2800 fps on whitetail 3 times. Each time I’ve found what was left of the bullet on the off side hide. I plan to test at ~600-700 yards this year. Will report back.
That's fast! Surely you're seeing a few blow up? 😉

I have shot 3 big bodied Kansas deer with factory 147s out of my 6.5 PRC. I am working up a load for them in my 20" barrel and they are more accurate, better velocity, and better SD than the factory load out of the 24" barrel I took off. Pictures are of a doe I shot last rifle season. She went almost 100 yards, not sure how with her heart destroyed and all the blood she lost. I shot a 168" buck the year before at 355 yards and he only went 30 yards.

I have 400 of the 156 Bergers, just don't have a reason to load them.408.JPG412.PNG422.JPG423.JPG425.JPG427.JPG

+1 for the 147s. After shooting the 156 exclusively last year I wanted to try the 147. One shot per animal ranging from 210 to just over 800. Furthest a critter made it was 19 yards with the eldm. Just seems to do a bit more tissue damage based on the four animals I’ve seen so far this year. Either will work and will do what you want. Just in my experience with 5 animals with the 156 and 4 with the 147 this year the animals shot with the 147 were on their feet for less time overall. With the ELDM I have been a bit more conscious on closer shots to be behind the shoulder avoiding the crease and haven’t had any issues. I haven’t tested or came close to a minimum expansion velocity but there’s people on here who have answered that and know far more than me. From my experience with premeditated shot selection both will work fantastic. Don’t overthink it too much either will work great, just pick one and keep it above 1800 fps (possibly slightly higher with the Berger) impact velocity to be safe! Best of luck.
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Another data point for the Berger 156 gr EH:

This buck was shot at only 50 yards with an impact velocity of 2860 fps and, to my surprise, the bullet actually exited. He was ever so slightly quartering away, shot in the crease, bullet destroyed the back half of the offside shoulder, and exited. Chunks of lung were found in his offside shoulder as well. I only found a small piece of copper jacket and a little chunk of lead in the exit wound once I had him skinned. I’m actually very pleased with the performance of this bullet at close range even though that’s not what it was designed for. IMG_5951.jpegIMG_5940.jpeg
I shot about a dozen animals with the factory eldx. It worked.

But hand loading I figured I'd play with Bergers. Kid shot her buck at 325 with a 140 elite. Instant death. First buck that gun has dumped like that.

Ordered some N570 and decided to revisit the 156. I'd gotten a load that was like .27 for a 20 shot mean radian but the velocity was only 2825.

I went .3 under max with the n570 and the 156. Loaded up 20 and holy chit they did great. Still around that .30 mean radian and got them up to 2999.5 with a 24" barrel.

I had to shoot my buck at 750. Tons of pressure, not a lot of bucks, and an hour left in the season. 7 mph wind prone off the bipod. And the buck was just monkey farting. He wasn't chasing a doe or anything crazy.

Shot hit just above the heart behind the onside shoulder. Then broke the offside elbow (downward angle). He we was dead in a couple seconds.

There wasn't much bullet left. Which is how these bullets are made to work. Full energy dump.




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How do you like the HNT26 chassis?

It’s worth it. Seen and talked to a lot of guys at nrl hunter matches and got their opinions first. The folder is rock solid. It’s nice to carry by the hand guard in the cold vs metal chassis. It has a very dead feeling with recoil. I wasn’t a fan of the factory grip but I’m used to the ergo bc it’s what I run on my comp gun so that was easy swap. I’ve shot a lot of chassis and stocks and I love the hnt26. If I needed to build another hunting rifle tomorrow I’d get another hnt26. Beauty of the aero action is I can have barrels spun up or buy prefits to fit my needs and wants so really it’s a one and done rifle setup for me.

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