Yeah, if you are hunting waterfowl and often take long shots (jump hunting, early season, w/e the reason) strongly consider getting some BOSS bismuth 3" shells. Once you start using those puppies, your gun options open up! For example, you can get 1 1/4oz of bismuth in a 3" 20 gauge shell- more than enough to pattern well at 40-50 yards *and* keep good energy. There are many people that are switching to 20 or even 28 gauge guns for waterfowl because the (non-steel) ammo is finally getting to be usable. And I think BOSS is affordable- not sure about other brands' bismuth.
I shoot a 12ga Cynergy Wicked Wing (cerakote finish, adjustable comb) for water birds, but I am thinking of getting a 20ga or 28ga gun to start using instead when I feel like it. I have a 6lb 20ga SxS that I use for upland game, but it is a bit light to handle the 3" 1 1/4oz bismuth loads well. Plus it was my grandpa's gun, and I don't wanna risk mucking it up (although waterfowl hunting here in NM is relatively clean compared to the stories I hear from elsewhere.)
It is probably wise to start with a 12ga, and decide if you are interested in sub-gauge after using it a bit. The more sub-gauge you go, the more you need to 'finesse' your game than you would using a 12ga. Thrilling, worthwhile, and romantic! But it takes more thought and experience to make those guns work where a 12ga would easily flourish.