

May 31, 2017
I noticed a dramatic increase in missed shots and wounded game on YouTube videos this year. From the big names for sure. The comments are always along the lines of, "Missing shows how real your show is, bro."

What it should say is, "You shouldn't be shooting game at 500 yards, dumbass. You lack the skill to do so and should hunt your way closer. Bro."
Apr 30, 2017
Your post took a few turns and got political. I’ll stick to the topic of BRO. I did follow the boys regularly for a year on YouTube....the series they ran was cool and they had a hook of a promo giveaway (shocker I didn’t win). The question for the BRO boys is why am not attached their brand anymore (save you all from that boring post). The marketplace is crowded with “talent” and as we all know distribution is the key. Netflix is in the game with Rinella and others are following. The woods are crowded and that’s okay. Hunters / anglers aren’t the only ones stomping around out there. The backpacking community is getting bigger and stronger. My take is you’re either growing or dying in the market. I’d rather see hunting community keep growing. Folks like BRO and others are important to that growth. I’ll do my part by making sure my Family and friends are exposed the right way of hunting.
Well said!

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Apr 11, 2018
Salem, OR
I have noticed more hunters in the areas I hunt, but I have also noticed that it seems like 90% of them are road hunters. An area I have hunted since I was 12 used to always have 5-10 cars pulled off on various closed roads with guys out hunting and this last year there was not a single car parked. I was in the bottom of a canyon and could hear trucks driving around the canyon every 30 minutes.


Aug 25, 2015
Sometimes I think it is just math. Since I have been on this earth the population of the US has grown by about 100 million. Even if hunters are only 6% of the population then that’s 6 million additional hunters. While studies are showing hunter numbers are down on a percent basis, not so sure on a total number sometimes.

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Everthing I've been reading and hearing says hunter "NUMBERS"are "DOWN". It's also understood that pressure has grown in certain areas because of social media, which concentrates pressure on productive areas. Less people are flailing around, because of social media. I flail much less than 20 years ago. However, there is a flood of new hunters getting productive info from social media that I got by getting blisters on my ears and butt and tendinitis, and paper cuts in my fingers talking to people on the phone, and hand writing my research, turning pages in magazines and books in the 90s!!! People who have learned good spots the hard way, and/or through family and friends, or sore butts and ears on the phone are seeing a flood in some instances of new hunters where they hunt. You can't blame them for not liking this, however, they can adapt. I've adapted, sore butt, ears, fingers and all.


Mar 30, 2018
Now you know how us duck hunters feel after Duck Dynasty became real popular. We got covered up with the new breed of DD type duck hunters.
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