10x42 or 8x42?!

Went from 10x to 15x. I can hold them still enough and love the higher magnification. I miss deer easily with 10x, so I jumped up in power. Can't be missin deer!
10x for me. Here in AK I'm typically pushing the range of my binos. I've hunted with buddies using 8x binos and typically will out glass them just do to the added range of my 10x's. We've done the bino swap in the field and both always agree that the 10x's are the way to go for the type of hunting we're doing.
10x for me. When hunting mule deer in western South Dakota this fall we were glassing for deer at first light and watching them to see where they would bed down never once did I think '' boy these 10x42 El are to much for this''
I like 8x32 when I am on the move or backpack hunting. For more sit and glassing- can't beat 10x42 and a spotter.

But usually for the hunting I do, I am not just sitting and glassing- so my go to glass is a quality 8x32.
Been using 10x of some sort for more whole life until two years ago I got some 12x razor hds and I didnt know what I was missing. Won't be going back to 10x anytime soon.