Is it worth the weight and money to run 10x42 binos on a tripod with a pan head? I don't use a spotter either. Thanks!
I know you don't use a spotter but I will put my binos on top of my angled eyepiece to my spotter which is on a tripod. It's almost as solid as an actual tripod. Then my spotter is already pointed pretty close to whatever I'm looking at.
I use my 10x42 el's 90% of the time from a tripod. I have owned 15x swaro's, but much prefer the 10x. Much brighter picture, way sharper and a much larger FOV. with that said, I also have a high end spotting scope to accompany my 10x once I find a buck. The scope is a must have when field judging animals. 15's do not cut it, unless you are close.