$1000 Bino Comparison

Yeah. Problem is price. Like many, I can get vortex cheapest. I found some HGs listed for $799 new with a 10% discount but they were out of stock. If I can snag HGs at $720 that may be enough to push me over. I do like them a lot. The resolution on IMO was close to the razor. Zeiss had them both best to me and two of my buddies. Maybe I’ll re run them all through the tests again before I decide.
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i printed off the USAF resolving chart and will compare those three at 100 and 400 yds over the next few days. If I’m lucky maybe can even get some digi scope picts and will share. I also have a Leupold 12-40x60 HD and Kowa 554 that I will do the same with.
i printed off the USAF resolving chart and will compare those three at 100 and 400 yds over the next few days. If I’m lucky maybe can even get some digi scope picts and will share. I also have a Leupold 12-40x60 HD and Kowa 554 that I will do the same with.
That will be a fun comparison.

I've been thinking about producing a ratings chart based on all the binoculars I've owned over the past year. Some folks might find it helpful but then we're all different too!
Great write up and work.

Nothing better than to see how different peoples eyes give different results. When I did my testing (search; My Quest for the one). I didn't even get out the store with the conquests. To my eyes in the store and standing out the store (mountain side from cabelas reno store) the conquests didn't make the cut.
Great write up and work.

Nothing better than to see how different peoples eyes give different results. When I did my testing (search; My Quest for the one). I didn't even get out the store with the conquests. To my eyes in the store and standing out the store (mountain side from cabelas reno store) the conquests didn't make the cut.
Isn't that funny. People really need to understand that their own eyes will prefer one optical formula over another, for no obvious reason.
What does depth of view mean in this comparison?

When I did a similar comparo a few years ago I favored the Conquests for resolution and form factor. I eventually sold them because the depth of focus was much shallower than other binos I had. They would get very sharp images on whatever you focused but objects nearer or farther were out of focus without constant adjustment of the focus knob. It's possible they make things appear more "3D" for lack of a better term. I prefer to scan large areas without constant focus adjustment.
I may have mis typed... But what I was referring to is if I focus on an object (say 1000yd) and I look around at other objects, how sensitive is the focus to those other objects. Can I see a object clearly at 1000yds and 1500 yds or do I need to refocus?

Hopefully that clears it up. If some are considering that depth of field/depth of focus, then maybe that is the better terminology.

Agree that less is better. The group of us didn't recall having a similar issue with the conquest. I still have them, maybe I can double check.
i printed off the USAF resolving chart and will compare those three at 100 and 400 yds over the next few days. If I’m lucky maybe can even get some digi scope picts and will share. I also have a Leupold 12-40x60 HD and Kowa 554 that I will do the same with.

Alright partial test complete. I got the target out to 95yds at 3:30pm. You can see in the picture the Zeiss and Razor are slightly bested in this test by the Nikon (1 resolution level).

Also to note the maven B3 8x30 was one level behind the Zeiss and Razor but still pretty awesome for a 8x30 in my book.

Lastly, I put the Kowa 554 Spotter at 45x and my older Leupold GR 12-40x60 HD at 40x. I could see the same level of resolution with both but will say the Kowa has sharper black lines vs the Leupold were a bit more blurred and fringy (CA I believe). I really want an excuse to get that Kowa but the leupold wasn’t too bad, maybe not enough to upgrade right now. Just wish the leupold had the Kowa focus setup and the Kowa had the leupold eye relief.

Im not sure running it at 400yds will give me any more useful data so I will probably leave it at that for now. Have to send the Zeiss and Nikon back in a few weeks.


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Did some more testing with a few of the $1000 binos I had left plus some others. Post below copied form another thread I have on 18x binos, but I think some may find the chart interesting comparing the 3 10x42s I still have in addition to the 8x and 12x (plus 18x ) I have now. The intent of that thread was to compare 18x binos but also see how they compare to other mag levels. Info and details below the cut line.

Alright, this will be my second to last planned post. As FlyGuy requested, I have below some comparison photos.

Today I was able to post the USAF resolution chart at ~400 yds (390 to be exact) from my back balcony. This test was accomplished at 2pm during an overcast day which can be seen with the two binos on tripods photo. It was still a tad windy, but I was able to get good readings as it settled, so I feel like the test was pretty fair.

As you can see in the attached resolution chart IMO the UHD bested the Maven by one level. That said, my buddy (who hasn't been starring through binos like I have for the last month), swore the Mavens just barely beat out the UHDs. Additionally, he noted he felt the Mavens appeared to have a tad more "zoom" to them. I didn't feel that way and having set these up for my eyes prior and having looked through about 18 different sets in the last month, I am trusting my eyes over his on the results in the chart. Regardless, like other sections of my posts here, these two compare very closely.

The pictures show just how close these are in size as well and also how the UHD has a bit more space between the barrels.

Possibly more interesting to some, I compared all the glass I had on hand using the same chart, at the same time. I tried to take some photos using my phone adapter but like most, they don't tell the story much at all, maybe just show what various zoom levels look like. I wouldn't trust what "you can see" through the photos, it isn't accurate I promise. For that reason I don't have a picture of the Maven and the UHD below because it doesn't really show much (it looks the same).

One of the big things I wanted to test personally with these two 18x binos, is what they offered over handheld (12x or smaller) binos, as well as larger spotting scopes. Below is what I found:

-As most would expect, the two things that contributed to being able to resolve more on the chart were magnification and glass quality. From what I could tell though, magnification trumped glass quality to a certain extent. For example, most would agree that the Nikon HG or Razor HD 10x42 is superior glass to the Viper HD, however the 12x Vipers could clearly resolve a tad more than the 10x with "better" glass.

-Both 18x can resolve almost exactly as much as the spotters set on 18x magnification. That said, as most would expect the FOV was wider on the binos and they were easier to maintain a consistent view behind.

-The Kowa 554 as most people have said is a pretty powerful 28oz package. I personally don't like the FOV and eye relief that much, but it is great for what it is. I actually am pretty happy with the Gen I Razor 16-48x65 I just snagged. Not to say I won't sell it and keep the Kowa (undecided still), but for the price I paid it really is awesome. And the wide angle eyepiece at 18x makes for a really great viewing experience, almost Bino worthy. And the Leupold GR falls right in between as a great compromise on all weight, resolution, magnification, FOV.

-I confirmed that I need a "good" set of 12x binos (no I'm not spending the money on 12x50 Els). I think this is personally the best compromise for what I hunt. I can see more than 10x but can still hand hold, don't sacrifice too much on low light and can resolve more without destroying FOV and not gaining a bunch in size and weight. I have a set of Meostar 12x50 HD on order and may snag some Razor HD 12x50 in the future to compare as well.

-I think for the 18x, clearly they could easily displace a spotter in folks packs for about the same weight (except for Kowa 554 weight wise). I think you would gain a more favorable viewing experience and increased field of view. I also think in certain situations you could hand hold these supported and confirm a bit of detail at shorter distances, but you wouldn't want that to be the plan all the time. I would say that if you were hunting and stalking inside a few miles between glassing areas these would serve you well alone. If you needed to count rings, or wanted extreme range you would want a bigger spotter. Probably something bigger than the 60mm range too.

I still plan on doing one additional test for low light and then will provide some final thoughts.

Pictures attached are comparisons between the two for size. An overview of the setup on tripods showing viewing area and weather/lighting. A picture of the Mavens at 18x, the Viper at 12x, the Nikon HG at 10x, and the Kowa 554 at 45x. All through glass pictures were taken on full phone zoom. And lastly, the chart with all the binos I tested this go around and spotters. The text next to the resolution levels shows where they feel, to note the Zeiss could resolve the same as the razor but appeared clearer, so I put it in between levels.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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I'd really be curious as to how much better the 12x50 Razor is compared to the 12x50 Viper? It will be interseting to see where the 12x50 Meopta lands as well.
I'd really be curious as to how much better the 12x50 Razor is compared to the 12x50 Viper? It will be interseting to see where the 12x50 Meopta lands as well.

The Razor in my experience and higher level Meopta based on reviews are right at the level of all day glass without eye fatigue. The same cannot be said for the Viper. Great binos for the money but not the same level or components.
Thanks for the review. This is my price point currently, as I'm looking to pair a 12x bino with my Maven B3 8x30. Any thoughts on the Meostar B1 12x50 vs the Razor 12x50?

a bit late, but I’ve decided to go maven 8x and either the Meostar 12 or razors as well. I have the Meostar on order and I may snag some razor hd 12x to compare. Meostars should be here this week. Cleaning out all the 10x’s in the meantime!

I’ll let you know what I find.
I noticed there was no Leica Trinovids in the test?

There was not. Unless I missed it, the Leicas we’re not tripod adapter compatible (without bino hand) and I was looking to save a couple grand so I didn’t snag them. I almost exclusive use a tripod, so.....Reviews look good though. Apologies.
i printed off the USAF resolving chart and will compare those three at 100 and 400 yds over the next few days. If I’m lucky maybe can even get some digi scope picts and will share. I also have a Leupold 12-40x60 HD and Kowa 554 that I will do the same with.

400 yd comparison Attached (with 18x and three spotters at various zooms).


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If it helps anyone, I do believe Outdoorsmans makes an adaptor for the Trinovid. I've compared them to the Conquests and Razor and they fall into the same category but they do control CA better.