$100 for CO PP?


Nov 27, 2016
Am I reading it correctly that it now costs $100 a year for a non resident to accrue a PP? + a $9 draw app
I am pretty sure it is just for moose, sheep and goat. They are going to evaluate this year and see if any changes will be made for other species. Also I believe you have to purchase a license this year as well.
I am out, dumping 10 points on sheep and moose. At this point its throwing good money after bad
Seems like the CPW made a 180 turn on things this past year. There was an "up-roar" across the state with so many new applicants applying without up-front license charges in 2018. I bet a large chunk of applicants that just started applying for tags this year (since they didn't have to pay to play) will immediately drop out of the pref pt game. It generally takes 3 years to have a chance to draw sheep, mtn goat, and moose tags. That alone is a chunk of change to apply without having a chance to draw until year 3. I would think this would discourage a lot of non-serious and budged minded hunters from applying.

Draw odds are so horrible for moose and pref pts are pretty much meaningless that it's more or less like throwing $ to the wind in the moose draw. With that said, Colo has some of the best shiras moose hunting in the Western US! It may or may not be worth it depending upon your budget and how many years you have devoted to the system. The CPW could always change things a couple years from now so it may be worth waiting it out to see what happens. You can wait 10 years without applying before you loose your Colo pref pts.

As Garth Carter said 20+ years ago....you don't have a chance to draw unless you apply. The more tags you apply for...the better chance you have of drawing. It's somewhat a sad day that it takes so much $ to merely apply for tags!

It's getting to the point that the average Joe Hunter needs to seriously sit down and plan out long term application strategies! If you think about it $100/license/year for sheep, goat, and moose = $300+/year just to apply. Multiply $300 x 10 years = $3,000 thrown to the wind just to apply...and that doesn't include the price of a license! If you multiply $3,000 x several states that adds up quickly!

I can go on some great fishing/hunting trips to Alaska and elsewhere every other year for what it costs just to apply for tags...especially when applying in multiple states. Is it really worth it?
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I'm staying the course, have a gob of points in CO and elsewhere.

Those that think they can afford some of the hunts that you can apply for by not applying and saving the application/point fees...yeah, whatever.

I drew desert sheep in 2012...the only way I was going to hunt them is to draw. Anyone want to look at the price of "just saving and going" on a desert sheep hunt? How about Rocky Mountain Bighorn?

The way I look at it, I'd rather be supporting the various GF agencies, so that we have moose, sheep, goat, pronghorn, elk, deer, fishing, bird hunting, etc. etc. etc. in the future, by applying for tags that I may never draw. Wayyyyyy better than throwing a gob of cash at an outfitter where a minimal amount of that money goes back into the resource.

IMO, the money I spend to further management and conservation for the future of wildlife, is well spent.
Am I reading it correctly that it now costs $100 a year for a non resident to accrue a PP? + a $9 draw app

Where did you read this? I’m perusing the site now.

Edit: never mind, I see the fee changes. On a positive note, non-res bear went down from $350 to $100. Bodes well for my out of state father who might not otherwise buy a tag.

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I am out, dumping 10 points on sheep and moose. At this point its throwing good money after bad

Trial...I see where you are coming from but this isn't WY. The random chance in WY for $150PP is horrible...and 10pts there means absolutely nothing because you would never hit max point pool.

But with 10 sheep points in Colorado you are right in the thick of it. Several rifle units with 2% chance and if you go into draw for archery tag you can get some amazing odds over 5%. Rifle tag would yield a perceived hunt value of $5,000. Taking the 100pp and dividing by the odds of drawing. And that archery tag would be perceived value of 2K. Both well under my threshold for acceptable cost vs odds.

I would prefer if you dropped out because...well increases my odds...but I really think you need to take a closer look. Your odds of drawing will go up every year and I would think you pull in the next 10 years for sure if you attack the archery units.

The moose chances are even better with 10pts.
The way I look at it, I'd rather be supporting the various GF agencies, so that we have moose, sheep, goat, pronghorn, elk, deer, fishing, bird hunting, etc. etc. etc. in the future, by applying for tags that I may never draw. Wayyyyyy better than throwing a gob of cash at an outfitter where a minimal amount of that money goes back into the resource.

IMO, the money I spend to further management and conservation for the future of wildlife, is well spent.

I have to agree on that point
...with 10 sheep points in Colorado you are right in the thick of it. Several rifle units with 2% chance and if you go into draw for archery tag you can get some amazing odds over 5%."

not being a smart-ass here, but are you being sarcastic? or are you serious that those odds are in the thick of things? Just wondering, I'm not a trophy species guy so maybe I don't understand the draw odds.
not being a smart-ass here, but are you being sarcastic? or are you serious that those odds are in the thick of things? Just wondering, I'm not a trophy species guy so maybe I don't understand the draw odds.

He’s serious. 5% or 1 tag for every 20 applicants is pretty middle of the road for CO sheep tags.
not being a smart-ass here, but are you being sarcastic? or are you serious that those odds are in the thick of things? Just wondering, I'm not a trophy species guy so maybe I don't understand the draw odds.

Nope. Those are amazing odds actually. I apply for 12 sheep tags every year and they are all pretty much less than 1% except for Colorado. Not counting my heavy PP states. And 5% is ridiculous chance at pulling a sheep tag!

Since you are a deer hunter...it would be similar to putting in for unit 70 mulie rifle tag every year in Idaho...except worse odds!
My 15 points combined don't seem to do squat for me even as a resident. I continue to watch guys with 3 and 2, or 3 and 3 pull the tags I'm putting in for every year. So what does 3 and 12 do for me again???? I think it's supposed to give me the "perception" that I have a better chance at drawing, but is hasn't been playing out that way. I have a buddy that finally drew his moose tag with 3 and 18 I believe......this last year. Even for residents, that $150 every year will start to wear on a guy if he doesn't draw those tags soon.