Search results

  1. Halfdozen Hunter

    Whats your Black Bear Caliber?

    300 WSM
  2. Halfdozen Hunter

    20 Year Old Doe

    My question is, did she have much of her teeth left?
  3. Halfdozen Hunter

    Mystery Ranch Metcalf or Eberlestock Vapor 5000

    I've never been disappointed with my Mystery Ranch
  4. Halfdozen Hunter

    Hawaiian Black Sheep

    Taxidermy there or ship it back to the main land?
  5. Halfdozen Hunter

    Satellite Communication

    Curious on what the thoughts are with this new Starlink satellite texting option that is coming into play. Is this as reliable as the Iridium satellite messaging? Trying to decide whether to get rid of my Zoleo.
  6. Halfdozen Hunter

    Vortex doing Vortex things?

    Ya I would like to see what this "critical failure" is talking about.
  7. Halfdozen Hunter

    Bring sharpener for fixed blade or ditch it for a Havalon?

    Montana Knife Company makes really good knives. Hardly ever have to touch it up.
  8. Halfdozen Hunter

    2025 Montana archery Elk

    Handful of points? good luck
  9. Halfdozen Hunter

    First time for Montana

    I agree with most people's replies on here. Eastern Montana is getting hit hard with drought, disease and (sounds silly) grasshoppers devastating the land. Southwest and southcentral are areas to explore if you're deadset on getting here. There is a trophy district east of Darby thats difficult...
  10. Halfdozen Hunter

    Montana wolf bills meeting tomorrow

    The hard part about the expanding the wolf hunting is that the success rate is not high because the scarceness of actually seeing them. Also, while you're hunting, would you want to blow your opportunity of a big bull by shooting a wolf? They are a species that require quick response before you...