Looking for opinions of best AR 670-1 Boots that you could use in any army school like Ranger, Sapper, Sniper etc. Which would you chose for land navigation over days at a time??
I tried putting in an insole on the Altitudes and didn't fit my foot well. The salewa land navigation was rough on my bad ankle with how stiff that boot is. The only thing is that the base of my feet don't hurt after. I'm going to try lapponias. Also found some quest 4d 3s on e bay gently used.
Thanks for the feedback. Would the altitude destroy my feet on blacktop? I used Salewa Mtn Trainer 2s last Saturday on loose gravel/stone. My peroneal tendons were sore for days on my right foot only in that boot. Great rocker board but afraid to try out Altitudes because of return policy.
I am military and can wear any civilian boot within reason. I've worn the Salomon Quest 4d 3s for years and can't find anymore on the market. The Forces versions don't fit the same as the hikers either. I am in the market for a new pair. I will be attending a course that is primarily rucking...