My second year of OTC Archery hunting in CO at 10K' found me hearing a few bulls bugling in the area, or maybe not. After a day of hearing bugles, sending my own and getting a mixed bag of returns, I was pretty sure I was talking with other hunters. I knew there were a couple folks about 1/2...
So, after at least 25 hours of tuning, changing arrows, shooting, losing my mind....I finally found the problem. I decided to upgrade my release when I first started getting ready for the season and went with the UV Button. After changing everything on my bow and arrow setup I finally decided to...
I wish I had. I didn't know any better at the time. I have lost 2fps in the past 200 shots, so there's that. I find that baffling considering that last year I pulled my Z7 out with the still factory strings and it hadn't lost a beat since 2011. I've been shooting both the 29 and 33 all day and...
All great information and suggestions. I never knew how complicated bows could be. I've got 25 years of competition shooting from USPSA/IPSC & 3-Gun to the more technical PRS so I know how to go down a rabbit hole, both bad and good!
I changed the top hats to push the cams all the way to the...
I'm running TAC Driver 2.75" vanes. I have a Phase 4 33 at 60lbs that group these same arrows/broadheads like a field point. I was really surprised that it would shoot such a stiff spine at that weight. Of note, I put ABB strings on the 33 at the same time that I put those 60X on the 29. I was...
I have a Phase 4 29 that I had setup by a shop last year with GAS Ghost strings and it shot broadheads very well. I did a 4 mile movement during elk season and wore a thin spot on the string so I put on some 60X strings I had purchased prior to the GAS strings last year. I spent a ton of time...
One other thing that occurred to me.....could you have received fake Ironwill broadheads? They are selling them on ebay and other sites like that. Just a thought.
You can send that back to Ironwill since they have a lifetime warranty. There's no way foam did that. You either hit something hard or found a completely one-off broadhead that had a weak spot. I have one Ironwill that I've shot into foam at least 50 times and can still slice paper with it.
What is the actual mechanism that makes that release well, release? I looked into them a little but couldn't quite figure it out. I come from a competition shooting background with pistols and rifles so the transition to precision with a bow has been difficult. Looking at ways to improve.
Just have a good way to keep up with it. When I first changed over to a non-strapped release I lost it in the woods. Because I'm dumb I now carry a backup that I know how to shoot with. It's probably overkill but I hate to be without.
Headed out for my 2nd archery hunt in a couple weeks. Did 2 rifle hunts prior to that. By the time I finally bag one the meat will have cost me about $40lb ;) but, that's not why I go!