Search results

  1. J

    22 ARC Upper Recommendations

    Went with faxon 16", faxon bcg,sa adjustable gas block, 80% billet lower with aero upper lower, also added JP buffer springs. I love the gun, actually built 2. Have shot under moa at 100 yds. Have been reloading 75gr Hornady, with 31.9gr of h4350 I am hitting 2850fps with the 16", about a...
  2. J

    22 ARC Upper Recommendations

    Follow up: built two rifles, 16" faxon barrels with faxon bcg, aero upper and handguard. Tooke them out to the range yesterday, amazingly they like to shoot 75gr eldm, average fps 2830, 62 gr elvdt shot 2600fps which makes no sense to me at all. I may have swapped the 88gr with the 62gr...
  3. J

    22 ARC Upper Recommendations

    I would prefer 16" also, there is a YouTube video out, can't remember the name, he is shooting a 16.5" barrel made by old south gun works? Also just saw another build on YouTube from Kentucky tactical with a 16" faxon barrel, waiting to see him accuracy test that one as well.
  4. J

    22 ARC Upper Recommendations

    Not many, i thought at one time i spotted a BA 18" with +1 gas but must have been mistaken, I believe proof research and craddock both have them listed, ill keep looking.
  5. J

    22 ARC Upper Recommendations

    Have saw those, I am def leaning towards a rifle+1 length gas system if I go 18", trying to end up with a light rifle if possible.
  6. J

    22 ARC Upper Recommendations

    Actually considering the same thing at this very moment. Considering a 22arc 16" Odin works upper. Strictly for coyote hunting.