As an Iowa guy that is lucky enough to hunt close to home- I am indifferent on this. I see both sides and will be interested to see how it goes. For me- the drive and excitement to go throw on the ghillie off a deer trail or climb a tree is the unknown of what is to come. Like Christmas morning...
You don't see many capped elevation turrets on SHV 5-20s, was this an older model? Free bump for a great scope. Hope I talk myself out of jumping on this one...
Most of these guys hit it already- I found much more enjoyment with the longbow and recurve- but the kills came easier with the compound simply because of the range option. That being said- if you commit to hunting and shooting the trad stuff, your comfort will increase exponentially. I just...
I can personally attest to knee injuries being extremely painful (MCLs, ACLs and meniscus for me) and they seem to happen at the worst time even to the most prepared folks. Hope your recovery goes well and kudos to your hunting partner. You seem to be wired kind of like me- so I bet I know what...
For carbon profile barrels- a BLACK radial muzzle brake. Came off a Carbon Rogue 7PRC- won't fit my gun, has 3 factory rounds through it. 60 bucks shipped.
It's a great collar- I don't bird hunt, but I use one on my bloodhound anytime he is outside and gets a wild hair to sniff what came thru our property lines the day before. He has been known to be a few properties over- now the neighbors know him, he is aggressively friendly. I use the beep...