One time we gave permission to a guy and his two teenage sons to hunt. They just happened to choose to hunt the ridge above where the wardens were running the decoy and parked behind the hay stack. The hunters spot the decoy and make a careful stock to with in range. The two boys then fill the...
A 170 class buck close to the road will be lucky to last a day before he is the victim of someone willing to poach on our ranch. One of the reasons many landowners dislike the current five week season in MT.
@mtwarden, what part of region 7 did you work?
You did everything right and beyond what most would do. Next move is to follow up with the landowner, Tell them you were able to recover the doe and where you found her. Also another thank you for giving permission.
It depends. If have hunted a spot for many years and found a good buck, the first week of the season is when you want to hunt. If you are going in blind and hoping for lady luck to come your way, any time between the tenth and the twentieth of Nov. If you are hunting an OTC unit I would go...
I am not aware of any Eastern MT outfitters that offer drop/spike camp style hunts. Most outfitter hunts are drive around and shoot a rutting buck from the truck kind of hunts. If you find an outfitter with an opening in 25 or 26 you should use extreme caution. The trustworthy ones are all...
I think that what hunters need to think about is that for every landowner willing to supply hunting for money, there are hunters willing to pay. If hunters are serious about slowing the growth of commercialization of hunting they are going to have to work on the demand side of the equation.
The landowners that will benefit the most from the land trust model.
Landowners that do not have the quantity or quality of land that outfitters are looking for.
Landowners that have access to land locked public or better access to accessible public.
This will put land trust in direct...
The biggest issue for whitetails in eastern MT is EHD and the last few years have been tough ones. When whitetail numbers crash dew to an EHD outbreak, hunters may shift to filling a tag on a mule deer.
The addition of elk to the landscape has been a big change since the 90's and they are not going way. One of the biggest problems with the elk is the hunters that they bring in. Not far from where I live is a state section the also provides access to other public land. It gets hunted hard. This...
It could also be that the shed was from the spring if they found the antler in the fall. I have found plenty of hard white antlers in the fall that were shed in the spring. Just depends on how much sun they get. These antlers are from a buck I shot. Found the biggest brown in the spring the...
Those of us that have been hunting Eastern Montana for more than 10 years know that the degradation of Eastern Montana started long before Newberg or the internet. Did they contribute, sure but he biggest issue is too much lead poisoning.
I don't for sure, but when you find enough antlers form the deer or watch them from a very young age you can get a good idea. For example on the buck I posted I have the opposite side from the year earlier than the smaller antler in the picture. Confident that he was not a 180 class NT as a two...
Maybe it is different where you live, but I have watched or found sheds from dozens of bucks that have lived to old age, I have never seen one that grew his best set of antlers at age four. Some of those bucks were big at a young age, but they were better a few years later. I have seen studies...