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  1. B

    Oregon West Side Roosevelt Elk

    That might be my biggest regret of the season. If I would have just taken my time things may have turned out different. Time managment will be top of mind next year.
  2. B

    Oregon West Side Roosevelt Elk

    Ah yes the bark. I’m familiar with it. And I even had a reed in my mouth the first time I had him at full draw! I don’t know why the bark didn’t cross my mind but everything you said makes perfect sense. That’s another tool in the tool box.
  3. B

    Oregon West Side Roosevelt Elk

    I’m a Roosevelt hunter from the central Oregon coast area. I had some success with calling this year, dogging a herd up a drainage. I had my cousin up high watching the elk and keeping me informed on their location and what they were doing so that really helped. I pushed and called my way up the...
  4. B

    What's your elk schedule?

    I have the 31st through the 10th, then the 13th through the 27th. I saved as much vacation as I could all year and unloaded it all in September. Will be heading out today to get to my spot and get settled in, and the fun begins the next morning. I have about a 4-6 day circuit around a unit on...
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    Does anyone on here have experience with river hunting in thick bush country for elk?

    I just started hunting this way this year. We just drift along quietly and look for sign. Typically they find a beach along the river and you can track them back to where they hang out. I found an incredible spot scouting this way a few months ago. Elkiest spot I’ve ever seen. Some of the trails...
  6. B

    Leave Elk to find Elk? Or hold your ground?

    Do you only know of this one area that holds elk? I scout year round m, and have found a half dozen spots that hold elk. Some more than others. I have cameras up in all of these places. Based on my scouting intel I decide which order I’ll hunt those areas in. I start at what I think will be the...
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    Predator scent to move elk out of impenetrable spots (coastal elk)? Thoughts

    I do everything in my power to NOT spook the elk at any cost. I’d try calling the bull out first thing. If you know their pattern can’t you just set up along one of their travel routes? When I find elk in spots like this I just hang out on the fringes in an area dictated by wind and their most...
  8. B

    Old guys packing elk!!,

    I like to leap frog if it’s more than a couple miles or tough terrain. I just walk until I need a break. Find a cool spot to stash meat, then the hike back is usually what I consider my “break”. And so on and so forth.
  9. B

    Oregon Spring Bear - Archery Spot and Stalk

    i seem to run into a lot of bear along secluded creek drainages along the bottom of clear cuts. Especially if there’s an old abandoned cat road that can’t be seen from roads above. It seems like they spend the day time down low in the cool damp air and head up into the clear cuts at night. Just...