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  1. W

    Son’s 1st bear

    Heck yeah, bud!
  2. W

    unit 95 Grizz attack

    I guess spray and pray has its place?
  3. W

    Keeping stock tethered!

    Share pics when you do. I love to see how things turn out for idiots that FAFO.
  4. W

    Law Enforcement Wyoming/ Montana

    A lot of dreamers post this general discussion forum……wow To the OP, we underpay badly and the contingent that’s getting elected to the legislature this year is about to take a machete to the budget. Things aren’t what I’d call rosey for .gov employees. I’m not sure about Montana’s pay rates...
  5. W

    Idaho vs Wyoming

    Grizzly hunting in the lower 48 will be a joke. Good luck ever getting a tag or bagging one before the quota gets filled. I know our initial regs before the season was cancelled were unbelievable.
  6. W

    Jimmy John kills potential new state record sheep in NM

    Good for him. His sandwiches still suck.
  7. W

    Idaho vs Wyoming

    Idaho, it’s definitely where you want to go.
  8. W

    Why is the Canadian model far less friendly to Non-Resident hunters compared to the US?

    Sounds like we need more of the Canadian model here in the Rockies.
  9. W

    New truck?

    If an 1.5T-2T boat is all you tow, then get a GM 1/2ton with the baby Duramax. You’ll thank me later. Edit: sorry, my phone didn’t load well. Glad you got the baby max and saw the light! It really punches above its weight and has incredible fuel mileage. I’ll never buy another gas 1/2 ton...
  10. W

    Trapper or Stockman style knives

    Case Trapper here too. Solid knives. To each their own.
  11. W

    Do You Sleep With Your Food in Bear Country?

    Idk that we’ve exercised the practice of the 100yd triangle. If a bear wants my food or horses it will have to earn it.
  12. W

    Kill Tony with "Biden and Trump "

    Shane Gillis is hilarious
  13. W

    Tell me why I shouldn't move to wyoming...

    I never implied your family would leave you. Someone else did that. What I articulated was that they would defect on the lifestyle and culture. Don’t try to associate my statements with that of others. You wanted to know “why not?” and the associated risks, and it seems to me that you don’t...
  14. W

    Bucks over 30"

    This is a great thread.
  15. W

    Tell me why I shouldn't move to wyoming...

    This guy nailed it. You’re either serious or not, and proper due diligence for major life choices isn’t conducted on an internet forum.
  16. W

    Tell me why I shouldn't move to wyoming...

    This thread is the like the Natrona County thread a few days ago. What you’re trying to gauge is how difficult the move is going to be, can you assimilate and what is the real estate going to cost. I can’t tell you how hard the physical move is going to be, but I have to imagine it will suck...
  17. W

    Tell me why I shouldn't move to wyoming...

    Good luck: you’re going to need lots of it. I suggest seeing if Costco has any because you’ll need it at wholesale volumes and prices.
  18. W

    Youtubers ruin public hunting. Change my mind.

    Boo hoo. Rednecks with guns on YouTube have to start making money like the other rednecks with guns not on YouTube.
  19. W

    What if the federal government decided to start selling off swaths off public land?

    I’m against it primarily because it would boost supply and right now my property as well as other’s continues to appreciate because “they ain’t makin no more land”.
  20. W

    Casper/Natrona County

    Doing the Lord’s work!!