I have a pair of lightly used Leica Trinovid 10x42 HD binos....used for whitetail treestand hunting only.
Used a few times last year (2023), I bought them new after the 2022 season.
These are in perfect condition....I've owned Leica binos for 25+ years, just moving into a range finding...
I don't see any problems crossing the border with moose meat, elk, caribou, etc. I've had the USDA get back with me and said the 50# limit does not pertain to wild game meat and that they are going to change the wording they currently use as it was written years ago. Every agency I've contacted...
I talked with US Customs in Pembina on Wednesday this week and I was told that there is no issue bringing my moose meat across the border...no 50# limit. The agent said he talked to his supervisor before calling me back and that's the official word from them. They told me to cross at Pembina to...
I have a bunch of stuff to clean out of the basement!
I have a Tenzing Hang Time pack, multiple expandable and fixed blades broadheads, Mathews Monkey tails and dampeners, whisker biscuit rest.
If I miss something on price, just ask or make offer on multiple items.
1: Apex quiver...