Physics is hard, try this
Gun go bang, gravity pull bullet down. Go down take time, fast bullets not go down so much. Air slow bullet down, how much? Don't care, too many numbers for me.....Gravity always wins. If shot go up, gravity takes longer to win.
Source: Took two semesters of college...
Plenty of good artists out there once you get off the main stream country "pop with a twang for suburban moms" radio
Here are some of the ones on my playlist
Drayton Farley
Colby Acuff
Matt Mercado (reminds me of George Strait)
Turnpike Troubadours
Treaty Oak Revival
Koe Wetzle
Cody Jinks...
Hi guys, part time lurker from Northern Nevada. Found myself reading more and more threads here and finally decided it's time to sign up.
Background: West Desert native, originally from the Beehive state, living in Nevada for the last 5 years. My interests include cool rocks, guns, and hunting...