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  1. Gotcha_

    2024 Blister Care

    Prevention methods like changing socks and tape? Or something else? Just went through my first bad case. Never had em this bad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Gotcha_

    2024 Blister Care

    What do you mean 'take care of it'? I got hot spots, put on leuko tape, and had a tear before I was at the top. Creek crossing probably was the cuplrit, skin got wet and didnt dry feet before I put back on the socks and boots, bringing small microfiber cloth next time to dry. As far as a...
  3. Gotcha_

    CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

    Co resident. Interesting write up on prop 127 from the book they pre-send us. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Gotcha_

    Fake Websites On this link....
  5. Gotcha_

    Fake Websites

    Still occurring. It's an issue......
  6. Gotcha_

    Tacoma Chains

    One piece of advice that I saw on another thread; don’t chain in only chain out. That way you could never get to start going in that you can’t get out of. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Gotcha_

    Tacoma Chains

    @sram9102 what did you decide on? Looking for 5th gen ‘21 4runner and assume our clearances are similar enough. Seems like chain opinions are different to the individual after reading this thread. Can’t seems to get a consistent Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Gotcha_

    Hydration system for cold weather

    Nalgene & Steripen: When it's that cold, I always bring a way to boil water for a hot meal in the evening, which helps with staying warm overnight. Nalgenes can handle hot water, so in the morning, I fill one up, and it stays melted throughout the day. As I drink, I add snow to the bottle...
  9. Gotcha_

    Fake Websites

    Yes this happened to me on chrome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Gotcha_

    Last minute Colorado vacation planning

    Right now due to the leaves changing hotels are at a premium where you’re talking about going. I know of somebody who had an event this weekend in Fort Collins and the La Quinta there was $350 per night and this is not even in the mountains. If you want to see you may have to pay for it to be...
  11. Gotcha_

    How to get into diy western hunting

    YouTube. How to hunt _____ with a _____ ( weapon). CPW GAS GREAT INFO! You can seriously get a masters education before stepping foot in the field, though this is not a substitute. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Gotcha_

    Wiser Precision Quick Stix

    I do the 90-45 because it’s my center pole for my tipi. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Gotcha_

    Insulated jackets that can rival a puffy?

    This all makes sense. Thanks.
  14. Gotcha_

    Insulated jackets that can rival a puffy?

    Wait whaaaaa??? Can you please help understand why? Always put down under, is it because it gets de-lofted?
  15. Gotcha_


    Thats mfg markup or on top of mfg? Their list pice is the same as the manufacturer direct.
  16. Gotcha_

    Wiser Precision Quick Stix

    Had a random come up next to me on a glassing knob last year and sit next to me. He had these and really enjoyed them. Big negative is the stability of those when glassing long distance... just not as stable as a real tripod... they loved them for the weight and took that negative all day. Great...
  17. Gotcha_


    With all their sales and givebacks on promo codes.... I'm still not sure how they make money
  18. Gotcha_

    CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

    contraband CPW info .... nice. Downloading all. Thanks
  19. Gotcha_

    CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

    This is great for awareness. At the general level, What are some bullet point facts we can share to our networks other than emotional ones?
  20. Gotcha_

    What do you use to swap your blades? This one is 2.5 Oz