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  1. bodhitrip

    What does your dream elk hunting tripod look like?

    Thanks so much for the thorough reply! That is great feedback that you like to be able to stand to shoot and glass. Are there any times where you would opt to take a tripod that only extended to sitting height (archery season?) or are you willing to carry the extra weight to matter what? You...
  2. bodhitrip

    What does your dream elk hunting tripod look like?

    Hello, I am currently working on a project and would love any and all feedback on the components you look for in a tripod. I am mostly asking about lightweight tripods meant to be carried around, not truck tripods. Some specific questions: What is the ideal balance between how steady a tripod...
  3. bodhitrip

    Which broadhead are you guys using?

    If you don’t want to spend money, I definitely recommend the Magnus stingers. I was concerned about durability at first but I found in the dirt on the end of an arrow at the range and it grouped with my field points past 80yds. That definitely upped my confidence
  4. bodhitrip

    FNG from Michigan's U.P.

  5. bodhitrip

    Elevation change to stop other hunters

    I think it can help with pressure, but I agree with Steve. There is also plenty of good elk hunting around other people. Sometimes when there are no people they are somewhere else for a reason.
  6. bodhitrip

    FNG from Idaho

    Welcome from western MT
  7. bodhitrip

    Perfect pack for elk

    I like the KUIU fine but its what I have. Its nice that its pretty easy to switch the bags, as I almost always end up using the smaller bag. I feel like you can't really go wrong with any of the name brands. I would try some out, they all fit different IMO
  8. bodhitrip

    Montana FNG

    FNG here from Montana. Spent the last 5 years or so learning the ropes of western hunting. Ive been a long time reader, but never posted. I really appreciate the advice ive gotten from this forum, and always come here for any advice, from archery to careers! Cheer, Bodhi
  9. bodhitrip

    Early September vs Late September Archery

    New guy to the forum. I hunted Colorado for two years and had great action in the first two weeks of the season.