How hard are a thicker wool to modify generally speaking? Should a good seamstress be able to make adjustments here and there? I’ve decided so want a pair before next firearm deer season, but will be shopping out of the bargain bin via Marketplace, Goodwill and garage sales. Confident I’ll find...
Some pictures it looks almost white, others a more brownish/tan tone. In the more brownish/tan ones, it sort of reminds me of Backland All Terrain, which I’d argue is one of the best camo patterns ever made.
Lots of great advice. My wife works in finance so it’s front and center every day.
I’ll add my 4 cents:
1. Hire a financial advisor. Many will balk at this, but there are many kinds and many ways they get paid. Having someone else to help hold you accountable and be a neutral 3rd party is...