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  1. J

    Scope moving in rings

    They used to say 15. It held fine all the way up to .50BMG. They changed to 25 arbitrarily because their tubes can handle it and people kept worrying that somehow 15 wouldn't be enough and they got tired of people second guessing the 15, so somewhere in the late 2000s or so I believe, they...
  2. J

    Rokslide Approved LPVO?

    Fcdmx reticle.
  3. J

    Loctite question for Form

    What is the rationale for using loctite on this joint? The tube of the scope provides constant tension which is calculated to resist vibration, and, to whit, I have not heard of correctly torqued rings loosening, much in the same way I have not heard of AR15 barrel nuts or mount-to-rail...
  4. J

    Rokslide Approved LPVO?

    I am a huge Nightforce fan, and have NX8's on all my stuff. I began using them back in 2019 or thereabouts when the capped turret models came out. Several things I have noticed: 1) They are boring. That is to say, you always get what you dial, they just hold zero, boring. 2) You need to...
  5. J

    How long have you been at your current job?

    That sounds good and all, but cultures are constantly evolving. A wonderful place turns to shit real fast. The reverse can happen, too. It's often cyclical. In my industry, we have a 5-7 year cycle where facilities will go from horrifying to work at to amazing, and gradually back again, every 5-7.
  6. J

    How long have you been at your current job?

    What do you mean "take your retirement with you"? You quite working as soon as you've saved up enough to coast into the grave. Be that at age 25, or 85.
  7. J

    How long have you been at your current job?

    Thing is this, you hate something, but you gut it out to pay the bills and support your passions...but then you need less of it or none of it, so you are removed from should get better...but you don't. Because your hatred intensifies as you begin to understand just how bad it was, now...
  8. J

    How long have you been at your current job?

    I work in the medical field. Your job experience and resume are your leverage tools. And jumping jobs every 18mo for best results. Even our CEOs only average 12-18mo in role before moving.
  9. J

    How long have you been at your current job?

    I can vouch for this. I have significant tenure over a coworker of mine, who does my same job, and who has near identical time im my field. I would put our performance on par. He came on with the company years after I did. His base pay is 15% higher than mine. Further, there is talk of opening...
  10. J

    How long have you been at your current job?

    Your earnings over your career are likely @50% lower based on the studies I've read, but you may garner satisfaction from working less because you are more adapted to the environment and spend less energy through efficiency. That's the tradeoff.
  11. J

    How long have you been at your current job?

    I am just worried about it in the sense that I hope my mental health doesn't decline further. People think that's stupid, but I tell them regarding overtime, once you become angry and fed up, and stop pulling OT, you think the hatred will get better, the anger, anxiety, depression, but it...
  12. J

    How long have you been at your current job?

    Posts like this are wild. I can't WAIT to retire and retreat to my house and not leave.
  13. J

    PSA for Solar

    There is no solar lean on my house. Further, my estate has appreciated significantly more than the $30k or so that I owe at this point. The sale would not be problematic. The warranty for my panels is 30 years production guarantee. Which means they should be producing 80% or more then, what they...
  14. J

    PSA for Solar

    Why would I pay off a 2.99% loan early when CD's pay almost double that, and VFIAX/VOO has a 10% annual return?
  15. J

    PSA for Solar

    Mine was break-even. My note payment would replace my electric payment, and then in 20 years, I'd own it.
  16. J

    PSA for Solar

    That would be a massive array, 20-25kw.
  17. J

    PSA for Solar

    While I don't agree with all of it, and find it skewed, I also don't agree with people saying I need to pay more taxes and when I dont, Im "taking their money" from them. Or whining about kids in Nigeria mining when nothing in my car came from Africa.
  18. J

    Black Hills 5.56 62gr Dual Performance Evaluation

    Is any agency using this, or is it just super anecdotal.
  19. J

    PSA for Solar
  20. J

    PSA for Solar

    Be mad at the scammer though. Would you hate a car just because someone bought one at 12% APR for 8 years?