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  1. MT_Wyatt

    Lift X 29.5 or 33

    Hey I just got a 33, it is a tad more stable at full draw and in hand. BUT I’ll say for short draws (I’m a 27” draw and 5’8”) with the little bigger brace height, she’s slow. I think for smaller guys the 29.5 is a better fit honestly. But the 33” is still nice!
  2. MT_Wyatt

    Aoudad hunt terminal recap

    Buddy had the same exact kinda deal with a 108EH, no visible exit hole and HUGE hole just under the hide. Crazy stuff, but sure kills great. Once could be a fluke, multiple instances makes me think it's a possible result from those types of bullets.
  3. MT_Wyatt

    WTS Medium Stone Glacier cirque items

    Size is in the title but I just added to post body as well, thx
  4. MT_Wyatt

    .270 Win enough for a Mountain Goat?

    I think a lot of the “they are narrow” vs “they are wide” part comes in where you’re referring to. Their vitals/shoulder area is not wide, but as you go back, Billy’s can get some really wide stomachs/guts. Almost shockingly so for their size. As others have said their build is “prehistoric”...
  5. MT_Wyatt

    New tricer bipod

    2/12 here so hoping for that first batch - ditto on expo getting ahead of that was “timely” on pre-orders looks like.
  6. MT_Wyatt

    Hunt Backcountry Podcast 512: Bowhunter Data

    The comments on wound rate influence based on how the fixed blades perform in poorly tuned bows or less forgiving situations was both surprising (being higher than mechs) and also not surprising at all. Super good episode.
  7. MT_Wyatt

    NL pure 10x32 for everything?

    @B_Reynolds_AK is your guy, he's ran them both because I've asked for his input on the very same question.
  8. MT_Wyatt

    Swarovski Kidney bean!

    I can’t use my spotter eye piece much with the ollin installed. It drives me nuts. I pull it off when I glass for longer periods. The ease of use when digiscoping makes ollin worth the trouble, for me.
  9. MT_Wyatt

    Sold Xmid 1P solid

    Price drop
  10. MT_Wyatt

    GoHunt Atmosphere - New Primaloft Evolve Jacket

    Oh, boy. Ordered one in to replace my dying original ambient hoody. I wanted to believe they might be doing development with some experienced people, but I’m really not sure that’s the case here. After the video release showing they are trying to do pants and shelters I joked they should...
  11. MT_Wyatt

    Sold Hoyt Satori 19” Riser, Limbs, Tightspot

    Other limb set sold - Tightspot still available!
  12. MT_Wyatt

    Sold Xmid 1P solid

  13. MT_Wyatt

    SG Krux frame day pack

    The Avail does attach but it’s less straightforward than some of the other bag-only options, just because you have to strip the suspension from it. The bag is smaller than the frame. The approach is easier to connect but more geared for western hunting with the spotter pocket. Probably worth...
  14. MT_Wyatt

    Rokstok Lite

    This politics and side conversation stuff needs purged, this website is about hunting and of the best parts about Rokslide is not having to suffer through all of that. The amount of newer folks on here just looking for a fight is getting kind of crazy. I am very excited about...
  15. MT_Wyatt

    Sold Xmid 1P solid

    Yes - clarified post.
  16. MT_Wyatt

    Sold Xmid 1P solid

    Solid 1P, about 6 nights used, no damage. Floor/Fly have no tears, pine sap, holes or anything, it’s very gently used/like new I would say. Stakes not included. Stuff sack opening has stitching that has torn wider from use. Single Z flick pole included. $210 TYD together, PayPal or Venmo...
  17. MT_Wyatt

    GoHunt Atmosphere - New Primaloft Evolve Jacket

    I have one coming to test out here this spring.