I think, sort of like shooting copper, it's a matter of principles. Unfounded concern doesn't really factor. Everyone's hills are different, but most people have ones they are willing to die on.
This is where I'm at. I can't say I notice benefits on the regular, save the bloating, but I definitely notice the drop in performance when I do drink.
FWIW, my eight year old son shoots my 6.5CM suppressed. Similarly, my 22-250 unsuppressed is way less comfortable than my 6.5CM. I know family getting into shooting is a good reason to buy new guns (as if we need reasons), but you might have the perfect gun in the safe already. If one of them is...
Ded. Straight up 🤣
I've traveled through states with a handgun where carry wasn't allowed. I kept it in a small safe for deniability. That said, have you considered calling the state patrol in the states you are passing through? You might get the right answer from the people that care the most.
My experience with slings on the XLR had been middling, at best. They don't work well with the rifle folded and you end up with a bolt, a scope, or a grip poking you in the back.
EDIT: The poking occurs unfolded. I use an Exo pack and just strap it on. If I need it at the ready, it's in my...
Half the time people still leave their trucks unblocked, but I have noticed more people treating hunting spots like their own private Idaho. That said, I run into tweakers and put farmers every now and then... You can usually tell by the vehicle that has no business being on the road you thought...
I'm two days out from my first October rifle elk hunt. I feel like I've done everything under the sun for before the hunt prep but, of course, all of it is for naught if I can't execute in the field. I typically run around with a bow, either early or late, and I feel pretty good about behavior...
A lot of people have already said it, but 6.5CM suppressed is a solid choice. For context, my eight year old has shot my Bergara MgLite without issue, and my 12 year old loves it.
I have six days packed in a 5000. On a warmer hunt, where I wasn't packing puffy pants and a jacket, I could fit more. That said, Exo just shared a video about compressing your pack, to help keep a 5000 from being overkill for day hunts...
I'm curious, why prefer the pack cover over the dry bag? I always envision a pack cover getting hung up on everything, though admittedly I've never used one.
Idaho resident here and I just want to say, Idaho skunks residents and non-residents, alike. I'm glad you enjoyed your time here; you are doing exactly what drew my family here more than 150 years ago, enjoying the bounty of beautiful public land. I hope I get the opportunity to do the same in a...
If you are going to cave at all, why not for a multi cal suppressor? You can run a thread adapter for your 22, and still be able to shoot it on any of your other calibers.
If you are struggling with the cost of the "tax stamp for hearing protection", compare it against hearing aids. I think my...
Had ear pro around my neck the first time I shot with a brake. Now my kids sound like robots when it gets too loud in the car.
I shoot suppressed now... I still wear ear pro, too, but I avoid further descent into robot voice territory if I accidentally leave them hanging around my neck.
That Browning is a full pound heavier, assuming I have the models right. I had a LR Max and it was brutal for carrying. Conversely, I have a Speed that is as manageable as they come. My Tikka action feels smooth, my Browning feels precise. But I feel like this comes down to preference.
My first time shooting a brake was exactly this. Had one ear in, the other dangling. Two years later, my left ear still gets a tinny vibration when the ambient sound is too loud.
I shoot suppressed now.
I just picked up some XOSkins Xounderwear that will get their first six day test next month. I've only done a couple of test hikes, just day trips, but they held their shape and didn't hike. Definitely longer than I usually wear. Not for those with a light wallet, though 😕