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  1. Z

    Exo Mountain K4?

    Same here. And a RG Nalgene holder.
  2. Z

    Exo Mountain K4?

    @rclouse79 Is that a Kifaru Rogan? Was thinking about doing this, so I’m glad it works well on the K4 belt.
  3. Z

    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    This is interesting. But doesn’t this mean the POD accounts are only insured if you die (and are not insured if the bank fails while you’re alive)?
  4. Z

    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    What clown posted this? 😂 Since then Moody’s has downgraded the entire U.S. banking system, Credit Suisse is floundering, and the Dow is down 520 points this morning.
  5. Z

    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    I thought if you were married with a joint account it was insured to $500K.
  6. Z

    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    That sounds about right for the last 30 days. But on 3/7 gold was $1822 and now it’s $1920. That’s a 5.4% rise in the last 6 days, during which time all of this banking chaos occurred. But I still don’t think this is a widespread financial meltdown.
  7. Z

    Lifelock Identity Theft

    That Wired article is pretty old now (2010). Looks like it’s improved since 2015 — recommended by several sifferent sites I found, including CNET.
  8. Z

    Salomon replacement

    Heard good things about Hanwag also. But I’m sure there are a few people who have had bad experiences with every brand. Just need to try a few that have a high chance of working for your feet, socks, use, etc.
  9. Z

    Lifelock Identity Theft

    We’ve had it for a few years. They’ve rarely alerted us but have blocked a few bogus credit checks that would have lowered our credit rating a little. They also provide some insurance to offset the expense of recovering your identity.
  10. Z

    Back surgery experience

    I understand you’ve had a rough time with this problem, but if a patient is at risk of a permanent deficit from delaying surgery, his surgeon (or another physician) should tell him that. In this case, his surgeon expressed no urgency to operate, and it does sound like surgery is the last of...
  11. Z

    Back surgery experience

    Another vote for surgery as a last resort. I’ve had low back problems for years. Pretty sure I either ruptured or slipped a disc moving a heavy piece of furniture. Whenever I start working out seriously (but carefully) it improves.
  12. Z

    UL fuel efficient cook system

    Great thread. I’m going to make one of these if I can find that Sterno Inferno. None on Amazon, or on Ace Hardware’s website.
  13. Z

    Salomon replacement

    @Taudisio That’s disappointing. Which Zamberlans were they?
  14. Z

    Salomon replacement

    I’m looking for this kind of boot also, but haven’t bought them yet. Would take a look at Zamberlan.
  15. Z

    Average age of Rokslide folks

    55 here. Gotta get my vote in before I turn 56 and move up to the next category.
  16. Z

    Exo Mountain K4?

    Really excited about these K4 packs (mostly from reading all of the great info Steve and others have posted here) and I’m planning to buy one. Also read about Exo’s 1800-2000 c.i. bag being released this summer. I’ve been trying to figure out the best choice for something small that could be...