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  1. jmart5687

    Hunt Raffle Impacts

    I am glad this thread got a reboot. IMO drawing a tag in the lower 48 is becoming more and more difficult and expensive. If you applied for half of the states that have sheep hunting available you would have to front thousands of dollars to just be in the running against terrible odds...
  2. jmart5687

    2024 Wild Sheep Meatpole Thread!

    After years of planning, my sheep dream finally came to fruition. I hunted with Mervyn's Yukon Outfitters and I cannot say enough about my experience.
  3. jmart5687

    2024 Sheep Hunt Conservation Raffles

    Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society has a raffle for a 15 day Dall and Mountain Caribou combo hunt. Sales end tomorrow and only about 92 tickets left @ $200
  4. jmart5687

    Alaska/Yukon 2025 Moose Hunt

    I loved every minute of it. I can't wait to return as soon as possible!
  5. jmart5687

    Alaska/Yukon 2025 Moose Hunt

    I just returned from a Dall Sheep hunt with Mervyn's and had a wonderful trip. Feel free to DM me with any questions pertaining to travel or gear.
  6. jmart5687

    With the ever increasing price of a North American Sheep hunt, where are the best values internationally?

    I decided to take the leap into sheep hunting in 2019. Covid happens and I was stalled on multiple waiting lists. Fast forward to 22' WSF Sheep week and the prices I was told had doubled. I was at a fork in the road. Go for it or pass? I have seen far too many people exit this world...
  7. jmart5687

    G10 Colorado

    Sorry for the delayed response. The hunt went well. Saw goats everyday, however a lot of them were in places that couldn’t safely be reached. I had a few tips on where some Billies were hanging out only to be ghosted. On day 4 I lucked out on this 5 y/o 8” Billy.
  8. jmart5687

    G10 Colorado

    Awesome!! Congrats!
  9. jmart5687

    G10 Colorado

    Sorry I am just seeing this. How did your hunt go?
  10. jmart5687

    G10 Colorado

    I definitely have heard about the goats on Quandary. I’ve also heard a lot of hunters head straight for it. I however will be getting off the beaten path looking for an old grouch of a Billy.
  11. jmart5687

    G10 Colorado

    Thank you!
  12. jmart5687

    G10 Colorado

    I was fortunate enough to draw a G10 3rd season either sex tag. If anyone has any helpful advice on the unit I.e, scouting pointers, areas that are better or worse, lodging/spiking out, etc…. If there are any other tag holders on here I would love to collaborate and ensure success for all of...
  13. jmart5687

    Colorado goat points updated

    I drew G10 3rd season. Would love to collaborate notes and help each other out!
  14. jmart5687

    Colorado goat points updated

    Congrats!!! What tag did you draw?
  15. jmart5687

    Colorado S6

    Hey everyone, I’m back with another sheep question for Colorado hunters. Looking at last years draw recap, I notice S6 2nd rifle had a drop off in applicants. Is there a reason for this? I know there is only one tag available, but it seems to average pretty respectable rams. Also, curious...
  16. jmart5687

    Yukon Sheep Hunt Recommendations

    Don’t let the helicopter deceive you, I’m pretty sure anyone who has been in these hunts would tell you that you will still put the miles on. If I were you I would look at the horse assisted hunts. It might even be worth starting a thread looking for people in similar situations that have...
  17. jmart5687

    Yukon Sheep Hunt Recommendations

    Sorry I did not see this post until just now. Everyone I have spoken to has said that all of the outfits are accommodating to all levels of fitness and age. Every outfit has had stories of hunters 70+ having successful hunts and the oldest I’ve heard of was 85.
  18. jmart5687

    Stone sheep beware

    If what you say is factual then it is not slander. You are able to give a review as a consumer. Making false accusations and publicly posting them as factual would be considered slander and/or defamation.
  19. jmart5687

    23 mule deer points recs

    What class of buck is he looking to go after? From what you describe his optimal hunt, I would contact Sanger de Cristo Outfitters or Whitaker Brothers Hunting. Both are top notch and will put him on a smoker deer.