Search results

  1. 73 Wood

    Upland shotguns

    Something to consider with your purchase is how rough you'll treat it. Hunting with wet, dirty dogs, setting your firearm down, laying it in the bed of the truck for a minute all contribute to wear over time. Some of the receiver finishes do better than others on O/U's. Satin finish shows...
  2. 73 Wood

    On x Hunt App

    I use it to e-scout, but they are slow at updating their backgrounds. I'll see a nice open area on Onx and find that it's overgrown in reality. Now that I know that, I'll open up Google maps (with more up-to-date images) and Onx and use it to start. Like others mentioned - nothing replaces...
  3. 73 Wood

    2022 Rut Report?

    Not quite going on in NE Washington yet. Cold temps and snow last weekend might get them to the starting line.
  4. 73 Wood

    Any BT hunters in W WA?

    Yes, I'll try to get it again next year. The hunting quality up there I would rate as Fair, but convenience to home is great. I can be in the woods in a legal hunting area in 45 minutes. The problem this year is the wildfires. One smack in the middle right now has the area shut down. I was...
  5. 73 Wood

    Leopold Scopes CDS

    I'm curious why you mentioned that? I'm hardly a LR shooter, but say <500 yards it seems like a fine technology. I'm interested in your opinion / experience though.
  6. 73 Wood

    Leopold Scopes CDS

    Thanks for the link. That's pretty slick - I haven't bought a new scope in a while. I was planning to buy a new 6.5 PRC for next hunting season and I'm going to seriously look at these scopes.
  7. 73 Wood

    Badlands MRK3 review anyone?

    I don't have any experience with those packs, but my experience with Badlands was top notch. I bought a Carbon Ox backpack and had it shipped to my house. I really wanted to like it - it was just too clumsy and hit me in the wrong spots. Badlands took it back with a full refund - no hassle. I...
  8. 73 Wood

    Wool vs Fleece

    In my experience, fleece breaks down quicker than wool over time and gets thin. Once its thin it loses its insulation qualities and isn't doing much. Watch the elbow areas and once they start getting thin - time to move on. I do like fleece though. I prefer fleece for my gloves.
  9. 73 Wood

    Leopold Scopes CDS

    I don't own one, but I'm interested in the simplicity of the CDS turrets. (Perhaps not as simple as a hold-over reticle) What data does Leupold need in order to customize the turrets?
  10. 73 Wood

    Tikka butt pad modification

    I'm wondering if that fits right shooting from various positions? Seems like it might get you high in the shoulder from the prone position. Hope it works for you.
  11. 73 Wood

    Looking for a muzzle brake for savage 110 ultra lite 300wsm.

    Not sure it'll help you too much, since mine is for a 6.5, but maybe? I put an American Precision Arms Micro Bastard on my Tikka and I like it. It did have to sight it in afterwards b/c it changed the POI, but I'd say after 50 rounds it has held true. The gunsmith that threaded my barrel...
  12. 73 Wood

    Any BT hunters in W WA?

    I bought a key this year for the Campbell Global tree farm (formerly known as Hancock I think). I've been up there a lot this summer for black bear and saw a few archery BT hunters. I think the general rule was to catch the deer on their way back from the river in the early morning. So if it...
  13. 73 Wood

    Low Volume Boots: what brand/model do you like and why?

    Not really answering your question, but my 2-cents... Buy whichever you can afford 2 pairs. I have 2 identical pairs of Hi-Tec boots that I smother in SnoSeal when the weather is really hot. I give them as many coats as they will absorb. They were cheap enough to keep 2 pairs. One pair stays...
  14. 73 Wood

    Do you gut birds in the field?

    Like others have said - I'll pack grouse around whole until I get back to the truck. "Pants" them, keep a wing for the dog and drop off a wing/tail for the game department.
  15. 73 Wood

    Scope rings for Tikka t3x

    +2 (or so) for the DNZ game reaper on the Tikka. I had the low mount with a 42mm and it fit up nice and tight. I've since switched to a bigger scope, so I had to get a medium height on my 50mm. Go Dawgs!
  16. 73 Wood

    First mule deer buck

    Congrats fellas! Two nice mulies. I'm still on the hunt for my 1st. Hopefully its like fishing - once you catch the first one, the rest start coming more regularly.
  17. 73 Wood

    When do you switch from Spray to Gun ??

    I have a lot of black bears where I ride my mountain bike. While they're not particularly aggressive I do carry a small pistol in my fanny pack (mostly for cougars). But I think my best defense is my $20 bluetooth speaker on my handle bars. It plays just loud enough to warn anything in front...