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  1. shootin-blanks

    Have You Ever Notched Your Tag On Opening Day: A poll

    Nov 2022 Missouri opening evening.
  2. shootin-blanks

    Do you hit your dog ?

    Not a chance.
  3. shootin-blanks

    Benchmade Osborne 940...what am I missing?

    What's the dislike with S30V ? I know there are a ton of choices nowadays, but it's seems fine for me for an edc steel. My 162 has no problems gutting/skinning deer.
  4. shootin-blanks

    Benchmade Osborne 940...what am I missing?

    I'll gvie that a try.. righrt now.. gravity will let the blade fall slowly.. the lock up is excellent. I just assumed that it was adjusted as required..
  5. shootin-blanks

    Benchmade Osborne 940...what am I missing?

    I have a Harley-Davidson 940 Osborne, carried it ONE time.. it cut me.. some reason it did not stay completely shut in my pocket (using the clip) Went to take it out and got stuck.. :mad: IDK, maybe jeans were tight and the latch was not completely engauged, either way.. Been living in the...
  6. shootin-blanks

    Neck sizing lube.

    Hornady Unique Case Lube 393299 or Atsko Sno-Seal Wax. Smells the same, seems to work the same.
  7. shootin-blanks

    Question on selling Primers and Powder

    I have GREAT (hunting buddy and second familty) friend I turned on to reloading, two years ago.. GAVE him a dillon 550, 1k small primers 1k LG primers, scale, tumbler ect including a single stage press, for when he starts to load rifle. He's in Chillicothe MO.. and make regular trips...
  8. shootin-blanks

    FNG Sarasota Florida

    Firearms enthusiast and scuba diver in Sarasota. I do get to venture back to Missouri for deer/duck season every November.
  9. shootin-blanks

    Who wears rubber gloves to clean game ?

    I carry a couple pairs in my pac to keep clean. Not the end of the world if I don't have them. On a side note: one friend and one acquaintance have contracted tularemia from skinning animals while not wearing gloves, one was a muskrat not sure on the acquaintace, but he was/is trapper as well.
  10. shootin-blanks

    Will there ever be primers again?

    Always has been, hopfully once again.. Everytime there is a ammo shortage, conpontents dry up.. manufactures make the most selling ammo, not components. When the ammo supply comes back so will the components.
  11. shootin-blanks

    2022 NW Missouri whitetails

    Great Hunting trip Nov 2022, Biggest deer I've shot.. the broken brow tine hurt the score. Still a great deer to me.
  12. shootin-blanks

    Trophy goose hunt

    Congrats on the new jewelery.