100% agree.
AT had been a wealth of knowledge for me when starting out 15 years ago. so much so that i never went to the local pro shop until my daughter started shooting.
We bought her a target bow and all accessories and lessons through them, but at times i bit my tongue knowing there were...
I'm going to say no, online and big box stores are killing the pro shops.
Id also say in SE Ontario its 100:1 crossbows to compound. but its been that way here for as long as i can remember.
ya we are way off topic here
It mentions being able to use dogs in the regulations, then excludes one zone. ive never heard of running moose with dogs other than sweden also.
theres been a few times while deer hunting we have seen moose, cant recall if the dogs were on them or just getting out...
Most of Ontario you can use dogs to hunt bear, deer and the regulations say moose but I've never heard of anyone doing it.
Its fun, big group of guys and a 1/2 dozen hounds makes for a fun two weeks.
It’s coming if the joke we have for a prime minister gets elected again. Currently can’t buy or sell handguns, banned most semis, likely gonna ban the rest of everything semi then move to the next target. Hopefully by the time I’d done hunting I can still do archery. 😔