Been on the road quite a bit the past week, back at it tonight.
30 min of hip and knee mobility.
Lower body strength:
5x5 zercher squats
5x8 snatch grip RDLs
5x12 banded hamstring curls
3x5 reverse squats.
First day back in the gym since hurting my back a week ago.
5x5 bench with cambered bar
5x5 seated OHP
5x10 lateral raises
5x10 upper back thing
~20 minutes of mobility.
Unfortunately strained my back very badly on Monday - had to take the week off training.
Silver lining was I spent alot of time at the range. Got the wife hitting an 8 inch gong at 625 yards which was a great afternoon for us.
Did a wolf hunt this morning, 5 miles with 30 pounds. No dice but...