Search results

  1. Kentivan

    Electric smoker recommendations

    Completely agree with you. My brother has had 30 in. Masterbuilt for couple of years and I never heard complaints about it. Also when I used it I didn't have any problems
  2. Kentivan

    10x42 Binoculars for a new hunter

    Last season I hunted with my neighbor in rough terrain and optics were very important to us. We were very lucky that we had two binoculars with a range finder for two of us - I can tell you for sure that both of these binoculars did not...
  3. Kentivan

    Looking for a non-camo/tactical looking daypack

    I have LHI Military 45L and MOSISO 30L - both are worst evry cent. It depens on season and distance when I take them.
  4. Kentivan

    What’s the best wild game meat?

    Judging from everything I have tried, from game birds to predators - I can say that deer meat, it's better than any beef I've ever tasted. I haven't tried to prepare it in wild conditions, but I plan to cook it if I have such possibility.
  5. Kentivan

    Binocular Decision

    I own few binoculars: Meopta, Vortex, Nikon. Today I prefer Nikon Laser Force Rangefinder. As a rangefinder, you not only have the ability to acquire distances on targets, but you have this feature for up to 1,900 yards. That's some extreme yardage right there. With very long distances in mind...
  6. Kentivan

    NXS 2.5-10

    Yes, also seems to me I saw it at the Amazon before
  7. Kentivan

    NXS 2.5-10

    Recently I have ordered one from online marketplace as a present for my old buddy. Didn't know that it is a problem now to find it. Thanks for warning. And good luck in your search
  8. Kentivan

    Passing the time while hunting

    In such situations I love to read my Kindle, or listen to favorite podcasts. Anyway - spending time like that - the best relax I can imagine.
  9. Kentivan

    Book recommendations

    The Ted Trueblood Hunting Treasury, by Ted Trueblood - He is still worth reading all these years later, especially about cooking in camp, where he gets downright eloquent when discussing the proper use of a cast-iron skillet or Dutch oven. African Game Trails, by Theodore Roosevelt - No single...
  10. Kentivan

    When to put your dog down?

    I am very sorry to hear about your dog... I understand this feeling as few years ago I had to put my spaniel down when it was only 8 years old... All because of Tick-borne Encephalitis.. I didn’t cover the bite in time and the infection got to the brain and in the end I no longer had a dog, but...
  11. Kentivan

    September Hunt Ideas - what and where to hunt?

    I can share my experience in September hunting for ducks. Hunting for ducks in the early days of September is not much different from hunting in August, but with dangerous months it becomes much more complicated and requires from the September hunter not only knowledge of the habits of game, but...
  12. Kentivan

    Turn in your hunting buddy?

    It is hard to say for sure as it depends on level of our friendship with this "buddy" and which violation exactly did he do... I hope you found here the answer to your question. As for me - I guess I would tell about his violation. I am law-abiding citizen