Looking for new optics. What are your recommendations and experience? I cannot afford or justify anything over $700 but want decent glass that will work for archery hunts as well as rifle hunts. The 10x I feel is probably too much for archery and maybe limiting for rifle but as a whole I...
Nothing to it. They numb you up and make small incision. You can feel when they get the tube. They will cut it and put a clamp on it to prevent it from growing back together.
New to pack hunting, just got a Kuiu 7200 cuin pack and was figuring 80 or less for gear and food my first year out. Packing in tent and wood stove which combined is 55lbs. That will be divided out between 3 of us for a week long stay.
Maxi pads for injuries! Work great, sterile, and have wings so you can fly lol. Accidentally ended up with one in first aid kit years back, hit an artery and having it was a life saver for me over gauze.